Cowards tend to back down when confronted on equal grounds. This is essentially a resurgence of the Black Panther movement, which worked quite well doing the exact same thing.
Cowards tend to back down when confronted on equal grounds. This is essentially a resurgence of the Black Panther movement, which worked quite well doing the exact same thing.
I mean, that’s just the history of the US anyway. Remember, the puritans were “escaping” “persecution” for there religious beliefs from Europe. Those beliefs were so incredibly strict, conservative, and restrictive that no one wanted those nut jobs around. Oh, look, 250 years later and their descendants are still afraid of a nipple.
That is not at all what he said. He said that creating some arbitrary benchmark on the level or quality of the AI, (e.g.: as it’s as smarter than a 5th grader or as intelligent as an adult) is meaningless. That the real measure is if there is value created and out out into the real world. He also mentions that global growth is up by 10%. He doesn’t provide data that correlates the grow with the use of AI and I doubt that such data exists yet. Let’s not just twist what he said to be “Microsoft CEO says AI provides no value” when that is not what he said.
You assume catastrophe isn’t the goal for those idiots. Remember, the only reason Hitler and the Nazi party rose to power was due to economic collapse from sanctions after WW1. They used that as an opportunity to breed nationalizm and fear.
Just wait until the gas chambers are built.
Wrong skin color. His position as a useful idiot has come and gone.
Eh, I’d love to boot all the old confederate states, but picking off the worst first only helps the whole.
Based on statistics, easily Mississippi. But most obnoxious is easily Texas. Texas would be my first vote out.
Yes, the one aspect of the civil war that I have never agreed with was that a stare can not choose to leave the Union. If a terratory can vote to join the Union, I see no reason why they couldn’t vote to leave it. On that note, I would also support the idea that the other states should have the right to vote out a state they no longer want in the Union.
It certainly turns out to be so.
Some of those that work forces…
Man, it is really depressing having to still qoute a 33 year old RATM song.
Just another day in the world’s greatest country.
/s if it isn’t obvious
Well, remember, both the American and Australian colonies were the rejects not wanted in England so it isn’t surprising when it turns out those descendants are racist pieces of shit.
This is definitely a fluff article to make Israel seem more favorable to the US.
As extra context, the current governor, Roy Cooper, dropped out as a VP contender for Kamala because he was worried that this dipshit would seize power if he left the state.
Really, I look forward to him leaving this plane of existence so we don’t have to hear about him and whatever diarrhea comes out of his stupid mouth.
I always hear that excuse about the rural areas not being represented without the electoral college, but my only reaction is GOOD. Rural areas are large in land ans small in people. Why should they get an equal voice as a Metropolitan area with the majority of people? A government is supposed to reflect the will of the people. The not ALL the people, that would be impossible, but but an average of the majority of the people.
Additionally, the government at the federal level has relatively minor impact at the local level. The federal level is broad strokes, the local government is fine strokes, and the state level is somewhere in between. Rural dwellers can run their local government however they like as long as it doesn’t violate state or federal laws.
Considering it’s Texas, I’m surprised they didn’t give him a medal. Oh, wait, he’s black, that explains it.
Ah, Reagan. What a racist piece of shit. Too bad someone with better aim didn’t try to impress Jodie Foster.