There are significant differences between statistical models and AI.
I work for an analytics department at a fortune 100 company. We have a very clear delineation between what constitutes a model and what constitutes an AI.
There are significant differences between statistical models and AI.
I work for an analytics department at a fortune 100 company. We have a very clear delineation between what constitutes a model and what constitutes an AI.
If this is true the crowd on here that often says Firefox is really owned by Google because Google pays Mozilla to have their search engine be the default search engine on Firefox really need to look at their claim and rethink their understanding of how Mozilla and Google interact.
Latest season broke EAC on Linux. The devs are actively working on fixing it.
It sounds like you’d be better off with a DE or WM that isn’t gnome. The GNOME Project has been progressively sticking more and more of the customization features of the DE behind either gnome tweaks or the command line, likely to unify the experience for all users and improve the ability to provide support.
Personally, as far as gnome-based DEs are concerned, I prefer cinnamon, but I’m fine running Mint to just have it come pre-installed. I don’t know what dependencies it pulls in now if you install it standalone from Mint.
Why are you white knighting for big US companies? They don’t even know who you are outside of a personal identification number.
Sad evga sounds. I still await their partnership with AMD. It would be a shame to let all that knowledge and talent fade away.
Must be real hard to make decisions at Nvidia when you’re almost a monopoly and have the power to tell consumers what they are going to pay for products that get comparatively weaker each generation.
You don’t sound like you’re from NA, but here in the US we have trucks that are colloquially known as “Child Killers” because when you’re driving them, you literally can’t see what’s in front of you. They are all over the roads, and make for an extremely bad experience for people in smaller vehicles, people on bikes, and pedestrians. Not to mention, they’re often driven by people that lean heavily into road rage.
Tbf, US companies brought this upon themselves when they agreed to China’s guidelines for working within the country.
Lots of industries in China have a barrier to entry for foreign manufacturers/businesses that require either partnering with a local Chinese business or rebadging your product to sell under a local Chinese business brand.
Such conditions are rife for IP theft. Especially in a country that is famous for ignoring IP laws of other nations. Shenzhen doesn’t even leverage IP laws at all, it’s the wild west.
Ah yes. Promotional ships that sell for $1000s of dollars irl that are only available in limited runs that you get to keep when the game launches into stable release.
Oops, forgot to mention that some of these ships might not ever be available outside of alpha besides for those that already own them. That means new players in stable will encounter ships they’ll never be able to own.
Most of my friends that play it say it’s a fair trade since you’re paying so much for them, but it still feels largely like a scam to me. You could do so such much better for yourself with that kind of money than just owning a digital asset.
Oh and those ships? They’re not tradeable to other players afaik.
Edit: This isn’t really fine at all and is in fact a P2W mechanic inside a game you already have to pay for up front.
They got the same vibe going on as the 7 days to die devs.
He’s also the creator of JavaScript if that irks you any more.
Not sure why you’re being down voted tbh. I had a chance to fiddle around with the 1 IV when Sony sent me the wrong phone by mistake with my online store order.
I have no idea why they are priced as high as they are either. I was not impressed by it at all.
Why wouldn’t it be? I don’t understand the point of this article. It’s not like some other direct P2P communication medium is going to come along and upend it. It doesn’t really make sense to run fiber inside your home. You don’t need that kind of bandwidth for such a small number of devices and it would be prohibitively expensive since you need a specialized, highly trained technician to run it - unlike Ethernet, where any sufficiently motivated person can do so. I’ve heard that the people that run fiber for ISPs make something like $200/hr or so.