And Rot Economy. Between Cory Doctorow and Ed Zitron I think they’ve got it right.
And Rot Economy. Between Cory Doctorow and Ed Zitron I think they’ve got it right.
Less fact-checking = more disinformation and propaganda = more anger = more “engagement” = more money. Turn everything into crap for one more dollar.
I was introduced to Continuity of Splines last month. Never thought I would watch a 73 minute video on methods for drawing curves, but I did and I loved it.
We just can’t have anything nice, can we?
Only 625 hours this year.
Well said.
In an unfortunate way, Caitlyn Jenner is great proof of equality. Everyone, from any background, gender, or orientation, has the capacity to be garbage.
I think I get what the article is saying, but all I can imagine is Siri calmly reading to me the vilest insults ever written.
Issue #1: This is just an ad and not news.
Issue #2: It’s a KVM switch with no V.
ChatGPT is famous for hallucinating answers to factual questions. And they used it anyway? Day by day, the risk of AI killing us all is paling in comparison to the risk of stupid humans killing us all using AI.
So we have generation loss instead of AI making better AI. At least for now. That’s strangely comforting.
It’s not an exact match but I’ve been enjoying Hard Fork.
The use of “transgenderism” in the official announcement told me everything I needed to know.