Also good for getting to pornhub.com if you live in one of the states they’ve blocked.
Also good for getting to pornhub.com if you live in one of the states they’ve blocked.
Neusthetic counseling or WTF the fundies call their fake therapy and then he’s fine. They will call him a recovering sex addict (I.E. On the same level as a married man who watches porn, in their usage of the phrase) and who will dissociate when you try to talk to them about what he actually did.
I can’t hear you over the din of the kali box whites and the screaming child, what did you say?
And yet we act like boiled frogs, each generation making fun of the prior one for expecting things to be better than they are. Gen z is so used to things being like shit that they think that all older generations are entitled fuckers And that we should get used to everything being worse because Right now it’s the best they’ve ever known.
There is no difference. They think there’s a difference. Got it backwards.
Allahu’s Snackbar with a lifelike painting of Mohammed over the cash register and morality police, fuck yeah.
Are you dumb? Or just not capable of understanding that some of us are in the legal world and think in terms of what the courts will do, and what rationale they will have? I didn’t stake out a position. However I absolutely think this legislation is terrible.
The right to privacy is now in question because of Dobbs. It’s a fucking nightmare of possibilities.
Fucking Amy Galey. I hate that I have to be I around her and pretend that she’s the best thing since sliced bread. I wish people got to hear more about her talking at length about how great her family treated their slaves and less about her GOP silly season power moves.
I’m curious about why. The one law that had been overturned so far was on the basis of government compelled speech, because in addition to age verification, the law required porn sites to have a paragraph talking about how porn makes baby Jesus cry. I’m not so sure ID requirements by themselves are going to have the same outcome.
Elsewhere, Linux support areas seem more likely than not to have a large contingent of “WHY ARE YOU ASKING A DUMB QUESTION, you horror of a human being? Why didn’t you Search the site for words you don’t know using our broken search engine, instead of infecting us with your congenital idiocy?” folks.
2013 Dell XPS i7-4470 up in this jawn.
My ex-wife once got intestinal worms. The medicine to get rid of them, which has been on the market forever, and which is on the short list of medicines that the WHO says should be freely available to everyone as a matter of public health? $800 for Americans, literally free everywhere else in the world. Apparently intestinal worms are now so uncommon in the US that the drug is only distributed in extremely small quantities, which The Invisible Hand apparently allows big pharma to charge a fortune for. I brought in the worm in a jar in case the doctors needed to identify it, and apparently so many of the doctors and nurses had never seen one that they asked us if it was alright for them to pass around to take selfies with it. LOL.
What term constituted “mastodon stuff” to prompt your comment? Haven’t yet tried mastodon so just curious.
Why isn’t anyone mentioning that there are arrrrr streaming sites that won’t land someone a cease and desist?
How? I keep having to clear cookies. Now use Firefox. With logged in window I find the video I want and I open it in private window with ublock origin enabled. No warning in private logged out window.
What has he said about purple people eaters? (Edit: wow I hit a nerve, I was just slightly baked and being silly. Not a tankie)
Carnegie Mellon?
I haven’t mentioned Project 2025 to my parents or my siblings because it is the culmination of everything they’ve been told they want since they voted for Reagan. It would make them vote harder. So yeah, you’re right.