Trump is smiling in the picture like he just made his new stooge pose with a dog turd
Trump is smiling in the picture like he just made his new stooge pose with a dog turd
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
So since he is actually broke it wouldn’t hurt if we took all that wealth and redistributed it?
Lmao it’s insane what some people do to downplay the insane excess wealth of the literal richest person ever.
AI is a buzzword with no real ability more than the Machine Learning approaches that have existed for over 20 years now.
AI isn’t real, we have not achieved artificial intelligence. Its a marketing term made to hype up pump and dumps.
They made LLMs make ChatGPT sound like a person but it’s just as dumb as the programs that came before that didn’t sound like a person.
The current Machine Learning models have reached the limitations of their usefulness, and creating more powerful approaches means someone inventing a more efficient algorithmic approach to Machine Learning, which we still haven’t done after we reached this model 20 years ago.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Making excuses for the shortcomings of society enable society to continue to have shortcomings.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
He also left the dead carcas of a bear in Central Park.
He also drove over 300 miles to cut the head off a beached whale and bring it home.
RFK does a lot of strange things, and i don’t think it was 100% the brain worm either.