As I was reading the article, I was thinking how glad I was that I switched - I am on the yearly plan now because I’m not going back to “free” search engines.
As I was reading the article, I was thinking how glad I was that I switched - I am on the yearly plan now because I’m not going back to “free” search engines.
It allows me to connect into the house via the VPS without opening ports or knowing my home address.
Nowadays there are various companies offering tunnelling services, but my setup has been working for a long time and I see no reason to change.
It’s the root OS; that Pi is a media centre in the living room (plus it’s taken on a few extra duties since it’s always online). It’s been going for a good few years now, 8+?
I’ve been running OSMC (Kodi on Debian) plus a few useful things like maintaining a reverse SSH connection to a VPS.
He always mysteriously gets frail and feeble-minded when it’s time for him to have to testify in court. Once that’s over his memory magically returns to him and he goes back to his mafia don mode.
There was a hack in 2011 where The Sun’s website claimed Murdoch was dead.
This takes you to the search results so it’s an extra click to get to the actual page.
My actual regex is a bit more complicated since it deals with multiple domains but that’s the gist.
I’ve been using Kagi for two months and I’m loving it - the ability to control your results is amazing. Some things I do:
Also, having keyboard controls - like Google used to have - is so welcome, and their AI summarisation tools are actually useful too.
What’s this easy fix then? Just a lower number? That will just mean more publishers.
AI detection tools don’t work, and humans aren’t much better, unless they’re subject experts. How do we stop AI books?
The article mentions that Hurd is also a recursive acronym, but doesn’t go into any more details.
After looking it up on Wikipedia, I see why not:
It’s time [to] explain the meaning of “Hurd”. “Hurd” stands for “Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons”. And, then, “Hird” stands for “Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth”. We have here, to my knowledge, the first software to be named by a pair of mutually recursive acronyms.
I can only answer the first part: .jxl
I plan to switch over later when it makes sense to - the nice thing about Backblaze is that it scales with your storage, whereas with Hetzner you have to jump from 1 TB to 5 TB.
It’s for storing a few terabytes of fairly static media (for the most part, write-once). The codebases using it don’t natively support object storage (and will be in Docker containers).
It’s on a Hetzner server, and Backblaze (even after the price increase) will be a lot cheaper than normal drives, although their storage box option is probably better value over about two GB.
PDA: I loved my Palm Pilot and I can still write using that script (was quite nice when I noticed my Android keyboard supported it)
Raspberry Pi: this feels weird to be on this list! I still have one in the living room running Kodi
No to the others, although I did have one of these beauties:
When I last used Debian, I found myself very annoyed with the lag in the package manager. This is a very long time ago (15 years?), so probably isn’t the case any longer. However, due to laziness (or proactively avoiding a bikeshed rabbit hole) I didn’t check and just chose Ubuntu over Debian the other day because of that.
Yeah, the original thin clients were basically useless without the server they connected to, but nowadays even computers the size of a stick of gum are plenty powerful enough for consuming webpages and videos.
You still need peripherals like mouse, keyboard and screen but you might get them as part of the package (sounds like you already have them though).
What did you move on to, and what features made you move?
Alan Schaaf created Imgur while he was at uni and he never worked for Reddit, but I believe it was made for Reddit primarily (Reddit didn’t support uploading images until 2016).
my account is still 100% storj token funded
That seems to be the key bit, since everyone can use up to 25TB (if they can pay for it). Are you also hosting a node to earn credits tokens?
Just a heads up: not all plants like this because the tannic acid can make the soil too acidic for them.