I mean, yeah I am. I don’t trust a shop to do it
I mean, yeah I am. I don’t trust a shop to do it
This must be on modern monstrosities, I’ve literally never encountered this.
The newest vehicle I’ve ever had was a 95, and I am entirely unimpressed with anything made before 93
Are you stupid?
The vast majority of people living in Florida, didn’t build a fucking house there.
Most of the people living there, can’t afford a house.
Like yeah, fuck the vacationers, they’re probably the reason we’re reading an article about house insurance. But the people who were born there with all their family and friends there, what the fuck are they supposed to do
I’m never using biometrics on any device. Fuck that
Oh the hell it will.
We could have a functional colony on the moon and mars if NASA got a quarter of the military budget.
Maybe, just maybe, we stop spending billions to kill brown people for no good reason, and spend a tiny fucking fraction of that to make our own part of the world Less of a shithole, instead of more
You know, not everyone living in Florida has a beachfront vacation home, right?
Not everyone living there chose to live there either.
Did you know people can be born places? With family? That aren’t rich?
Unibody cars, as in, the ones with the pinch welds under discussion, don’t have a frame
The sheet metal is the frame.
Which, in my opinion, is why nobody gives a shit-any car built like that was built to be disposable fucking garbage.
So I have a solar setup-older panels, like 15 years old. They can be 3/4 obscured by a building or whatever, and still make 85% of what they’re rated to.
Which is fucking awesome. Right now, they’re covered in so much dust I can see the ‘clean’ spots where the morning dew condensed on them, and they’re still kicking 20 amps, about 15 more than I actually need.
Daily cleaning? Way excessive. Monthly? Maybe, probably less. Not a whole lot going on in between rails.
I’d be way more worried about tweakers trying to steal the wiring
The cleanliness of the panels isn’t actually as big a deal as it’s made out to be. Like yeah, they can’t be completely obscured, but you’d be surprised at how fucking filthy they can be and still make juice. Or half-or more- covered with trees, or other shade.
Right now, my panels are covered in enough crap I really should hose them off, and they’re still kicking 20 amps. So ahhh… fuck it. Maybe it’ll rain and I won’t have to.
Same with cloudy days-sometimes I get more power on cloudy days because the panels don’t get at hot. Hell, some streetlights put out enough light to harvest energy from-but they’re largely getting replaced with LED’s. Sad face?
I expect with the type of traffic going on between rails, these will need vanishingly little maintenance. I hope it goes well
I don’t youtube.
My understanding is most other countries (and our credit card #'s) have …self-identifying? …some spiffy numbers built into them that cryptographically verify that they’re not fakes, whereas the US’s SSN is pretty much just an incremental number assignation and has zero additional info built into it.
Like I know sisters that have sequential SSN’s because there was a snafu and they got assigned them at the same time, rather than when they each were born.
Of course, I’m entirely against the whole fucking idea of giving people a fucking barcode at all, but that’s an idealogical argument for another time
Christ, you’d think