Israel is not a functional democracy, pretending as much is gross intellectual dishonesty.
Israel is not a functional democracy, pretending as much is gross intellectual dishonesty.
I think she has to toe the line because she is still the acting VP. Going against the president in that position is not a good look. That said it makes knowing her actual position there really tough.
He’s very Ohio. ( That insult makes me happy as I HATE that shit hole)
Played since vanilla, took a break in the middle for a while, dragon flight hit the fun of Wow really well compared to the other recent expansions. I’ll probably stick around for war within too. They learned a lot of lessons from the mess that was shadow lands.
Already blaming the left I see. Ahead of the curve. Good job.
If you were a socialist you’d know what dialectical materialism is and not say something like “Marxist economy”.
A: Nordic systems like that are by definition not a form of economic socialism.
B: Gonna make an assumption that you using Tankie was likely referencing some authoritarian policy and just grouping them all under ‘tankie’ as a generic insult like most .world liberals. Leninists or other ML flavors are not tankies.
I don’t necessarily agree with down voting just for the inaccuracies of A. The boring ‘tankie’ this and ‘tankie’ that from the libs is getting REAL old though. They can’t even borrow an insult correctly. I have no issues with memes and banning people for that as those people clearly have no intention of serious conversation.
It’s exhausting to the point that you were likely dismissed the moment that happened. I know it’s bad for spreading ideas and I don’t really like it. That said, explaining the real definition and real points of debate for the 100th time when really only every 10th person had an honest desire to learn/share is trying to say the least.
As an authoritarian leaning Leninists I will gladly tell you why Anarchism and Libertarian Socialism inevitably fail though if you want.
The end stage of the dialectic is that, yes. But that’s doesn’t just appear from nothing. Read state and Revolution or What is to be done.
Fuckit. I’ll greet the Canadians at the boarder as liberators.