Hmm maybe the FAA should not have cleared the flight since the rocket in January wasn’t fully investigated to completion. You rush complex engineering and science and things go wrong.
Hmm maybe the FAA should not have cleared the flight since the rocket in January wasn’t fully investigated to completion. You rush complex engineering and science and things go wrong.
Not all space corporations are assholes as you say. I think rocket lab isn’t to bad.
This decision doesn’t sound like its in the best interest of the people. And no corporations are not people. This can only end badly.
He doesn’t know what his employees do? Why is he in a position of power if he doesn’t know anything about federal employees work. Musk proves himself to be more and more incompetent each and every day
Musk is a walking conflict of interest pos. So he just fires all the people that have a conflict with his agenda? The United States is fucked under this leadership.
who ever wrote this article is a total moron. Unexpectedly? noo.
this is inhumane. if this is what the US government can provide then they are fucken failures in all aspects of governance. could this be worse conditions then what the Nazis provided for their concentration camps?
That doesn’t sound like a free market to me.
he probably ignored some documents or disregarded/unaware of his duties as the title and requirement of that job is needed. all i know for sure is in the last 16 years no accidents. trump makes executive orders that directly affect the faa and the safety of the airline industry and plans and helicopters fall from the sky. it doesn’t take an idiot to put those dots together,
it is not safe to work for the federal government in trump America
your kidding me right? what did musk do to the FAA chairman? pushed him out and made him resign because he was giving spacex fines. on January 20th he resigned. the trump administration replaced him with a yes man who ended up being an incompetent person unable to avoid this disaster this was 100% avoidable.
This is a failure of communication. Why wasn’t air traffic control made awhere of the military aircraft? This was a 100% avoidable incident. People need to be put on trial for incompetence, negligence, I bet their is a protocol to follow to avoid such incidents, I bet it wasn’t followed under Trump’s america. Tragic to the magnitude of maximum. This was 100% avoidable.
To think that the right wing can be so violent that it needs a presidential pardon of their crimes. Fucken insane time to be alive right now.
you know what happened the last time we left the WHO? covid happened.
how can anyone thing china is a acceptable place to buy anything. everything they make is either toxic or made with slave labor
who are these authorities that is allowing greedy fucken people to price gouge the needy.
loyalist is another word for monarchy
Israel is incapable of precision air strike. Israel doesn’t care who they kill, they just want to cause death it seems. So sad that’s how those people turned out after what happened to them during WW2.
This kind of problem can only occure if there is a deep rooted evil lurking in the hearts of the people. An evil that was taught to them by the brainwashing of the CCP.
100% his fault for making his wife suffer in anyway in a detention center.