the american populace at large is deeply arrogant; not only that but also incredibly ignorant. it’s this noxious blend that is not only really popular to personify, but often lauded for doing so as loudly as possible.
the american populace at large is deeply arrogant; not only that but also incredibly ignorant. it’s this noxious blend that is not only really popular to personify, but often lauded for doing so as loudly as possible.
uh oh, this one went unlicensed!!
so what’s the argument? I’ve been vegan since Obama was president and bike or transit to my job at a public institution; are you just not on my level? personally I’m relieved some of the people stuck at microsoft actually give a shit, probably not enough of them, but it’s still a good thing. I’m not in the tech sector but I can appreciate the fact that change has to come from individuals who are toiling within our current system - and that most definitely includes people willing to speak up against the awful shit the c-suite is responsible for choosing to engage in.
do you eat meat, dairy, and eggs? do you drive to work?
dark mode gnome is starting to look less than ideal to me these days. I’m currently on Pop! and it seems like most of the momentum is going toward COSMIC but I’m not sure that’s what I want anyway. I’ve installed a bunch of extensions and tweaks to get the system looking somewhat how I want, but the DE still looks clumsy to me. I guess what I might be saying is that I should try KDE? not sure.
name checks out.
since he seems to be so allergic to taxation, maybe a class action lawsuit of literally every american V him could start some of the confiscatory redistribution that the US refuses to engage in.
that makes perfect sense, thank you.
the ten states for reference:
New Mexico, Wyoming, Idaho, Arizona, Washington, North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Utah, Colorado
total noob question, apologies. but does this run alongside a VPN?
auto installing in the home directory is like walking into someone’s house and putting your feet up on their table. so rude.
it’s kind of astounding Graham still thinks he’ll be safe.
one night in Gaza would break you
yet another reason to never purchase animal products.
these fascist dipshits are everything they claim to hate. we are expected to just accept “their truth” when all of the evidence suggests otherwise, so pathetic.
I really appreciate having found Owen’s coverage this year.
To suppose otherwise would be lunacy.
nice moon pun
amazing link I just finished reading, didn’t realize until the end it’s like 30 years old
“Total fire suppression,” the official policy in the Southern California mountains since 1919, has been a tragic error because it creates enormous stockpiles of fuel. The extreme fires that eventually occur can transform the chemical structure of the soil itself. The volatilization of certain plant chemicals creates a water-repellent layer in the upper soil, and this layer, by preventing percolation, dramatically accelerates subsequent sheet flooding and erosion. A monomaniacal obsession with managing ignition rather than chaparral accumulation simply makes doomsday-like firestorms and the great floods that follow them virtually inevitable.
it’s that damn opera.
there’s that free market we keep hearing about.