This should cover their asses on that big lawsuit they just lost for harassing that poor old couple. Projected profits would be down ~$300m over the period of time they intended to pay this out, I assume, not much of a mathematician. Gross.
This should cover their asses on that big lawsuit they just lost for harassing that poor old couple. Projected profits would be down ~$300m over the period of time they intended to pay this out, I assume, not much of a mathematician. Gross.
Aren’t Linux people usually programmers anyway? Why develop for developers?
even if it means providing value for some of the stupidest and most malignant people in the world at the same time
This is so emblematic of the human condition. Poisoning ourselves to relieve stress, buying slave-made clothes to stay warm. Burning our skin to attract mates. Toxifying our own environment for convenience. Humans really are some dumb ass creatures. We are reaping what we sow.
I dunno, that’s pretty subjective really. I’ve seen people who do hard stuff like heroin and meth just straight up quit after using shrooms once, having had an epiphany that they need to live cleaner. Then I’ve seen a young guy stay awake for days talking about how he found the secret to never dying, because he realized sleep is a conspiracy… So maybe you’re right, I dunno lol.
It’s more obvious than that even; their SEC paperwork states that adblockers are a risk to their profits. That’s more than enough info to assume they’re going to go to war in the near future (now) with them.
It’s pretty simple actually. Big companies took billions upon billions of dollars in federal subsidies and grants handed out to them via taxation of the public, then when they got just about done building the thing they spent all our money on, they erected a nice shiny gate at the front and charged us admission. But not before bribing donating to criminals politicians to ensure zero competition or risk to their non-investment. It’s rampant capitalism defined.
Woah there! What are ya; one o’ them filthy pinkos?
I like that you came to set the record straight, then just guessed. Confidence is sexy.
I swear the way IT people speak about non-IT people is so funny. You guys act like everyone is borderline retarded because they don’t know intricate details of your hobby/career. Acting like you’re a part of some other group that doesn’t understand human beings and their attraction to shiny things. It’s like watching an alien try to sneak into society.
Hey, I make that!
You have vastly underestimated how much I want people to see my pussy.
Came from reddit and I’m still here. Maybe I’m the only one planning to stick around, but probably not.
Typical conservative.
Now we’re starting to delve into the differences between a society that sincerely cares about seeking justice, vs one that simply enjoys seeing people punished.
Cut to black & white footage of a blonde suburban mom with her hand stuck inside a headphone jack. “Does THIS ever happen to you?”
It’s like a voltmeter set to resistance mode. It can detect small changes in electrical energy and show that change on a meter that moves right for higher resistance, and left for lower resistance. In other words, it’s a bunch o’ bull crap.
It’s designed to be such an inconvenience to the point that you’re actually just incentivized to buy wireless headphones.
That business model becoming the norm is exactly why I hardly buy anything new these days. I’ll thrift, upcycle, reuse, hand-me-down, bargain for, get at the discount shop, commission from a local artisan, wait for the price to come down, and/or pick up from-the-curb items absolutely every time it’s possible. Simply avoiding these festering boils on the asscrack of our economy that are big businesses has become a daunting chore of its own… ‘He typed, into his smart phone’ I know, I know; I’m a dramatic bitch, but still.
You think that’s bad, you should take a gander at the official news sources in Jacksonville Florida. I don’t know if they’re still this bad, but as I recall they have not one, but at least two big news publications, both produce articles that look like they were written by grade schoolers. Anything that wasn’t copy/pasted from the AP seems to be written hastily by somebody who dropped out before understanding English. I’m sure many other cities have the same issue. The one is called news five or Jax 5 news, and the other is first coast news. They’ll hire anybody to write apparently.