Walk without rythm, and you won’t attract the cops.
Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.
Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.
Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62
Walk without rythm, and you won’t attract the cops.
Why would you ship a small car to a country in love with the biggest streetpanzers?
In a trenchcoat
I believe the Greeks do where the name originates from.
My Škoda Fabia has - in less than a year - hit the brakes twice in situations where it shouldn’t. Granted, both times someone in front slowed down to leave the lane, so it’s not “phantom” breaking, but the situation was completely safe for me, not though, for the people driving behind me. Cruise control is slowly regaining my trust, but those incidents left me alert. Normal reduction of speed is working fine though.
Say what you want about Zuckerberg, but most people with enough intelligence don’t hate trans people
Eh… intelligence is helpful, but in the end does not inoculate one against BS opinions. Musk is (supposedly) intelligent and toxic as hell, Richard Dawkins is (definitely) intelligent and a fucking TERF. fuck, Jordan Peterson (for all his faults) is a demonstrative intelligent man… he’s just also an asshole and wrong about a multitude of things.
That F35 cost taxpayers around $100M!
If a website works in Chrome, it might not work in Firefox. If a website works in Firefox, it’ll work in Chrome.
Develop on Firefox.
This is old, it still has the (now defunct) feddit.de instead of feddit.org
nom nom nom nom nom
Those immigrants are basically being worked as indentured slaves whose only way to remain in the US is to accept whatever bad deal the corpos throw at them. IF the immigrants were guaranteed the same wages with no dependency on their employers to stay in the US and look for fair work, he would have far less of a problem with it. On a level playing field immigration is okay, but if the corpos basically import slave labor it’s not.
Right now H-1B visas are being used to play the foreign working class against the domestic working class, this is precisely what he argues against.
True, but sometimes it’s good to remind the bourgeoise that they should be scared if the mistreatment of the working class grows unacceptable to the latter, with no way to change things from within the system.
With the losses the russians suffered in their invasion of Ukraine, Poland alone could, quite heavily, stomp on grabby russian fingers. Not to mention that our brothers would not stand alone.
Planned ignoring is used for problematic behavior. If a child cries, the first thing you have to assess is if they are hurt. Crying when you are hurt is NOT problematic behavior.
Ignoring a crying child without a simple health check that would have found a broken bone is willfully negligent at best and definitely not standard protocol.
His american colleagues sometimes poke fun at my cousins branch for only working 35 hours a week, taking long vacations and having lots of state mandated holidays throughout the year. When they hire someone new they sometimes comment on how lazy the german colleagues are…
Then they point them towards the numbers and the fact that the german branch is constantly setting the productivity records. They’ve been outperforming the americans by more than 10% for years.
couldn’t be bothered to give a shit
Which means they chose this too. The only people without any culpability are the ones who voted for Harris or who for many reasons were not able to vote.
Doesn’t mean that the people who did not vote are as much at fault as the ones voting for Trump, but they share part of the blame.
Americans HAVE their country, this is what they want, this is what they voted for. Stop treating Americans as if this is something pressed upon them. They chose this. Now they will live with the consequences.
Still the same, electoral college are the ones voting for the president, not the people, the latter only elect the electors, not the president. GOP will likely produce a new candidate and electors will decide between them and Harris and most likely elect the republican nominee. Theoretically the electoral college could still vote for Harris, some states can have Faithless Electors.
Doesn’t mean anything if he dies of natural causes, the party that believes in jewish space lasers will cry wolf anyway.
And there’s your answer