I don’t know anyone who’s used IRC in the last fifteen years at least.
At least back when I used IRC, it wasn’t indexed either. It was just an alternative to AOL Instant Messenger or Yahoo Chat.
I don’t know anyone who’s used IRC in the last fifteen years at least.
At least back when I used IRC, it wasn’t indexed either. It was just an alternative to AOL Instant Messenger or Yahoo Chat.
Depends what you’re into. CD sales are more than alive and well in the kpop/jpop circles and there isn’t a lot of vinyl to find there.
Isn’t indiegogo just like Kickstarter? There’s never a guarantee you’ll ever get the thing you back.
I think my phone was around $1200 when I bought it, so, for me, this is low priced.
I also acknowledge that I bought a flagship Samsung phone. Not everyone does that.
So… rezone for residential, tear down, rebuild for residential…
Has South Korea moved on from Internet Explorer for their banking yet?
I read your comment and was trying to figure out why people were listening to an 8 year old Korean song, but realized you’re probably talking about something else.
The return policy is really what seals it for me. I’ve never had an issue with returning something, ever.
Other places make it such a hassle and make you pay to return it.
I know 1 or 2 people buying cat litter every month and having it delivered, but why? Just go to the store!
Subscribing to deliveries typically gives a discount, which makes the cost cheaper than going to the store and removes wear & tear on your vehicles and your own gas costs.
Depending on what kind of litter you want, the store might not even carry it. My cat litter is from a major brand, but is one that doesn’t get as much in stock at my local places and when itis in stock, it’s rarely the cheaper, larger box, so that also increases the cost.
Cat litter is fucking heavy. I don’t blame anyone wanting it delivered to their door.
Can you share some companies that Tencent has done this to?
How have they been verifying mailed in tax forms with no pictures for decades?
Seems like it unnecessarily disenfranchises the poor and the elderly. You have to have access to equipment that can record you and the tech savvy to be able to use it.
I don’t know any American adult who doesn’t have a government issued ID. You basically can’t do anything without one.
Not really. There’s a lot I don’t see and can’t access without having a FB account. It’s been like that for years.
When I was a kid, there were pay phones so that kids could make calls for when they wanted to be picked up. And we had landline at home so that if you needed to make a call, you could.
Those things don’t really exist anymore. And now we have phones with apps that monitor medical conditions like diabetes. Let’s single out those kids?
In other situations, the front office is there. That is the function that they have served for generations. Give the office aides something to do.
So make the office staff stay after hours so that the kids with after school activities can make a phone call? Yeah, because fuck the school staff, right?
The horse has already left the gate. You’re not going to get it back.
FPS games tend to be better to run at lower settings to be more competitive anyway. You don’t want all the visual noise.
Scripters and cheating was a pretty common complaint in both r/lol and also on inven and in Chinese forums.
According to a 90s article I linked deeper in this thread, the medical arm split off from the company in 1999.
I’m not even finding HP listed among MRI manufacturers.
According this NYT article from 1999, the medical arm of HP was announced to split off from the printer company 23 years ago.
So punish developers that chose an engine years ago for something they had no control over? How does that help anything?
Not really. It depends on what it is. There are entire games and items that aren’t available in the US, but make a killing in Asia.
Like, here’s Genshin Impact numbers from 2023.
On that game, the US comes in at 7th, is less than half of the top country (Japan) and is notably behind Switzerland.
For Tik Tok specifically, we can look at their annual reports.
Let’s look at average annual users per region. 682M in Asia Pacific, which does not include China. 192M in North America.
China’s numbers are 750M daily.
I don’t think most of their money comes from the US.