This is all just, like, your opinion bro
This is all just, like, your opinion bro
Idk people on YouTube says it’s functional AR. Heck I can read text on my Oculus 2. You’re just pedantic.
They both have AR and Spatial Computing capabilities at varying quality. They are both a set of lenses, a depth sensor, some cameras, and some screens, nothing more nothing less. Cars have wheels and planes have wings, that’s not an apt comparison.
Dude you’re just way off. They aren’t that dissimilar. They both are pass through vr headsets. Quality doesn’t change their function.
ANNs don’t have “mirror neurons” lol
I mean either you get good jobs or it accelerates total automation which can be used as grounds for organizing socialism in the total unemployment
The only effect a law like this would have on me is me using the stuff more and probably contributing it to it.
How is it different?
Notion isn’t great for tasks but the all in one ecosystem for notes and databases is amazing
People used reddit chat?
Yeah but I guess I just don’t use podcasts on other devices. Too much headphone switching.
What’s wrong with Apple Podcasts? Just curious.
Let’s keep using it while it costs investors money then bail for matrix as soon as they start making money! That’s how we fight capitalism.
No that’s insane. And also all clouds are getting pricy. At work a single instance AWS RDS sql server is costing $250/month…
Get a raspberry pi and do everything at home.
Dude this is amazing! We should have more web-first mobile interfaces!
Thank you EU for actually having functional legal protections.
That’s perfect, thanks!
Which country if you don’t mind me asking?
I mean my stance is anarchism or left libertarianism, and I agree with most of what you said. But I also am just totally unfamiliar with these regimes. The only thing I’ve ever been taught is “bad”. I don’t really trust what I have been taught to be honest. I feel like there is a lot more nuance than the American POV. Also I’ve traveled enough to know that propoganda is EVERYWHERE. Every country propagandizes every other country. So it’s just hard to know what’s true about geopolitics tbh.
I think China and the USA are both terrible regimes, but in such a way that it’s generally fine to live there, which is a weird modern phenomenon. I bet Russia and Cuba aren’t what the US teaches. I suspect NK is a repressive hellscape IRL same as on TV lol.
I can’t even parse what you mean when you say their input is the same as their output, that would imply they don’t transform their input, which would defeat their purpose. This is nonsense.