Three games I played recently:
Among Ashes - Somewhat short, but ended up being quite good. It does a good job at building tension and generally doesn’t rely on cheap jump scares.
10 Dead Doves - One of the few games I that made me want to play through a second time. Interesting story, some funny moments, emotional moments, good voice acting. I highly recommend this one.
In Sound Mind - This was sitting in my backlog for a while and I wasn’t really expecting much, but I ended up really enjoying this one too. The ending even had me feeling emotional, which is very rare, but
(potential spoiler)
it made me think about my own cat who died a few months ago.
I have a keyboard with 10 macro keys, 5 on each side. I don’t have a whole lot of uses for them except when using Blender, I have buttons set to switch between vertex, edges, and face selection modes, one to zoom in on the selected objects, and another one or buttons to quickly scale things down to zero on a single axis.
Then I set another mode to do some repetetive things in Dwarf Fortress.