- They are purposefully sowing more confusion. All the chaos being a smokescreen to hide the obvious fact that they have both hands in the public coffers and are grabbing what they can.
Americans will sign up for any crazy scheme that drains their wallets as long as you don’t call it “paying a tax for public access to healthcare”
Corporations are not allies. They never will be.
You’re right, but to be honest I would not have thought the slide to authoritarianism would go this fast. We still have to see of course who will win the legal battles, the courts or Trump, but it’s not looking great.
Probably should consider moving the foundation to the EU or at least somewhere not so hostile to fact based information services.
Fair, although I don’t think he gives a damn about them either.
I doubt Trump gives a damn what happens to the US so long as he can profit in the short term.
If she’s 17 now she hasn’t aged a bit in the last 7 years, impressive. (picture from another thread)
Unfortunately they won’t care. By the time you can explain they’re 5 scandals along. Trump just has to scream bloody murder about something else every day. Reality is irrelevant.
Get out of here with your woke straws. If it isn’t guaranteed to kill a dolphin every time I take a drink I don’t want any part of it.
Any word yet on what the joystick tech will be? Mouse operation is all very interesting but drift is my main concern for the new joycons.
One of our most important institutions. I worry they’re going to be the first against the wall.
We can parade around and yell “we told you so” or we can welcome anyone who wants to add to the resistance. It’s up to us. That said, I don’t know if WSJ will ever be of any meaningful value to the resistance.
In a democracy, when you’re not in power what do you do to get that power back? You show the electorate that you’re fighting for what they think is important. If Democrats absolutely insist on business as usual, promoting corporate interests and occasionally pausing to shout “fascist” at Trump, all the while just plain ignoring people’s actual concerns we’re going to lose the next election and the next one.
Great to see our representatives finally focusing on the real issues in these difficult times.
Man that was fast. People were saying detention camps would be coming after a while but Trump beat the odds again. Immigrants sent to torture camps, and it didn’t even take a month.
Protest, absolutely. And possibly violent ones, could be. But until we get a good majority of people on our side we’re just going to be fighting our own while the oligarchs laugh. You want to start a fist fight with a conservative over pronouns? It sounds fun but it won’t accomplish anything.
I’m not saying we can get to where we need to be 100% nonviolently but it has to start there. You have to build a base before you can overthrow anything. You’re talking about skipping to the last step without taking all the necessary steps in between. The revolution part is always romanticized but all the hard work that goes into it is ignored. That’s how Occupy failed so miserably.
There’s not going to be a public revolt or at least I wouldn’t hold my breath. And besides public revolts may feel cathartic but historically they don’t have the kind of outcome we’d hope for. Not to mention the civil war that’d likely ensue.
There’s no overnight solution to this problem. And you can’t start from the top if you’re not already a billionaire with a private social media network. But you can get people on your side or rather show that you’re on their side.
The real enemy is the same for both of us: the 0.01%. Trump supporters have just been brainwashed into thinking Trump is the man to solve that problem. And to be fair a lot of the left has been brainwashed into thinking the establishment Democrats are the only way forward.
But in the end it’s the extreme right that profits from us screaming insults at each other.
He’s very aware. He’s posting jokes such as “You did nazi that coming” also he’s claiming it’s all nonsense left wing conspiracy and it was just a harmless wave. Your basic right wing gaslighting mixed with a bit of dog whistling.
Not loving guns and murder? Unamerican communist!
Talking about a lady’s body parts or for that matter anything remotely related to sexuality? Jesus Christ won’t someone please save our children from this fate worse than death!?