Lol everybody here talking trash about X breaking the law. But when a streaming service up their price it is about sailing the high seas, torrent this and pirate that.
Lol everybody here talking trash about X breaking the law. But when a streaming service up their price it is about sailing the high seas, torrent this and pirate that.
Samsung is doing the same now with their latest one ui 6.1 update. It makes 3rd party screens unresponsive. There are reports that even rolling back to a previous version doesn’t fix the problem.
It is about funding. The corners IT has to cut is because lack of money.
Also the amount of legacy operating system to keep hardware like scanners running is a lot. Medical devices are delivered with a workstation that never updates. It is hard to justify buying a new mri of 1.5 million when the accompanied workstation is outdated.
Sure you can vlan and firewall the hell out of it. But they still have a large attack surface.
They can operate, just slower. Life threatening gets priority, the rest are diverted to nearby hospitals.
Think of when your gps shuts down. You can navigate by paper map, just slower and you need to pay more attention to avoid mistakes.
Since you are convinced about the higher resolution, you really are going to enjoy it.
But let me urge you to also buy a higher refresh rate. The same discussion applies here.
Even if the human eye can’t count the pixels or the frames, you WILL perceived it as more relaxing on the eye.
What is up with all these haters. My friend has a model Y for 3yrs now and never had any issues. It is a great car. Panels gaps are fine, no ratlling dash. I drove it and I loved it! If I could afford it, I would buy the new model 3.
Maybe Europe has different standards but they’re great cars!
Isn’t this easily detectable?
The camera sends a ping every 30sec to the host. Missing ping: sound silent alarm with possible tampering. Missing 4 pings, let all hell break loose alarm sound.
That is how my sensors work. They work on 433/868mhz, this is open band and easy to flood. If the hub misses a ping from a sensor, the tamper protection alarm goes of.
From the right to the left, yes. But from the left, you still have to reach your thumb across.
On my phone, everything is done symmetrical. Swipe from left or right edge towards
middle. Back
middle down. Switch between 2 last apps
middle down and hold. Kill/close current app
middle up. Multi task window
middle up and hold. Home
bottom up. Home
So still inconvenient.
This is never going to be available in Europe. Sad because I like it. Can’t afford it in 100yrs but would like to see others drive it.
I don’t jump the hype and hate it just because “Elon made that”. It is a cool shape, different than other cars. Doug DeMuro would have his hands full with all the quircks&features.
Switching stream sources is the most easy detectable form of ads. Also the most easily blocked, simple dns blocking will suffice.
Just use a different launcher. No ads then. OEM launcher is a mess anyway.
asl goes way back to the nineties irc chatrooms. It was never a problem back then.
It is like your screen name but without the “r”
Not even a fhd screen, only 90hz, with a camera cutout while it has bezels…
I do the same.
Doctors aren’t held accountable for their mistakes. They cover shit up. It is only by .accident a patient finds out and are able to sue
Good, doctors should be worried. Because if it isn’t a textbook issue you have, they won’t search any further and tell you with their heads up high “live with it”. And they got it wrong half the time too. Pretty much what AI would do. Characters like dr.House are a myth.
Nurses should not be worried. Because it is them who take the imaging, put on bandages and clean up.
I welcome AI if it means shutting up ivory tower doctors.
All the power to nurses!
Or just call it “we”, like the first letter of w-ater.