Why is Facebook 2auth reset harder, than stealing someones identity in US?
Why is Facebook 2auth reset harder, than stealing someones identity in US?
Well its public so who knows in what other package is using it. And it’s static, so who know what kind if monster is calling it from some inapropriate place. I have seen static methods being called from translation/localization files, because “it works”.
I get that, I just can’t comprehend, how you can do anything with it. In my country we have similar thing. We have “Birth number” and it is on every contract we sign. But just knowing it does jack shit. (But yeah, we also have identity card, and that changes number every renewal/loss)
More context:
For online sign you would need atleast 2 identifications (for example Identity cars and passport). And usualy thay make you come anyway to prove you’re you.
It is bafeling to me, that some peaple in US have no means of identification.