Fingers crossed…
Fingers crossed…
I believe you think too highly of the moral strength of the officer core.
if there’s an officer that refuses a command from President Trump, they will be made an example of immediately court-martial, have their family harassed, Possibly having to retroactively pay back loans or any other beneficial arrangement that they have received as part of the officers station, have all of their benefits rescinded immediately, their names will be publicized. The Maga crew will descend on them and make their lives hell. Within a week no other officer will even think of refusing a command or order from the president.
The military will follow his orders.
I mean his handle says he’s clinically depressed so he’s probably looking for some validation of his belief system somewhere.
Yeah, it’s a playground for bots and misinformation now
if you talk about any spicy topics online, you should definitely get rid of that. I used to talk about all sorts of anti-government stuff,but decided probably wasn’t smart to do that in the clear anymore. as the use of AI continues, the surveillance state will have further reach and will bedealing with smaller and more mundane issues. Especially if you ever talk shit aboutany corporate executives from large companies, those are deemed security conversations now by the FBI and they are happy to help companies and executive track down those who run their mouths about their executives and board of directors.