Americans do a lot of SMS.
Americans do a lot of SMS.
I have my subscription for another 6 months. If Andy is still in a leadership role by then, I’ll probably cancel. I stopped ignoring red flags in my 20s. I’m not going back now.
This is so disappointing. I’ve already migrated my passwords back to KeePass. Time to start hunting down other alternative. This is what I get for allowing myself the comfort of a centralized ecosystem.
I’m not an expert, but I had an expert explain that an unlocked boot loader is only risky if you think someone nefarious is physically able to get their hand on your phone. Is that true?
Synagog shootings, of which there were 2 of in 2018 and 2023 in the US, are not atizionism being masked as antisemitism.
On the ADL, you’re right. I had historically been under the impression they were credible and haven’t update my information because I was trusting NPR. Thank you. But, my point still stands. 2020 onwards has seen a huge uptick in hate crimes targeted towards Jewish people outside of the ADLs statements. Pew research has also covered the issue: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/03/17/anti-jewish-harassment-occurred-in-94-countries-in-2020-up-from-earlier-years/
I am also against the shift to blame Muslims. I’m only taking issue with trying to diminish the rise in antisemitism.
There’s a lot of complexities with different groups downplaying and exadurtating. I won’t deny mass disinformation in today’s politics and current events. But I’m not going to diminish how a group feels about prejduece against them when they have experienced a mass shooting in 2018, 2 targeted deaths in 2023, a firebombing at a synagog in 2023, and more. The ADL, a pretty credible group (apparently not really), reported a significant increase in antisemitic incidents in 2022, before the conflict in Palestine gained attention and the Israeli government started ramping up their propaganda machine. Bottom line, I don’t want to make this some kind of competition, especially on a post where we should be focusing on the abhorrent treatment of this Palestinian child, but antisemitism is a problem too and I don’t think its OK to rug sweep the issues either are facing right now.
What this woman did was a heinous hate crime. But this isn’t the oppression Olympics. There has been a rise in antisemitism too. No need to diminish that in order to assert that hate crimes against Palestinian people is bad.
A protest vote won’t save Gaza. It will allow the war in russia to expand and get more innocents killed though. I do wish people wouldn’t trivialize the second Ukrainian genocide they’re risking.
I hate it. I’ll still vote for the puppet with dimentia that’s commanded by Democrats over the one commanded by Republicans if that ends up being my only choice to fend off fascists.
I mean, the Russians competed with the US space race at a much lower budget. Privatization of this stuff wasn’t necessary to make it cheaper. The US government is just particularly inefficient with spending at times.
Its not so embarrassing if you need it. But when you’re one of the wealthiest people on the planet and literally begging, that’s seriously embarrassing.
Ohhh, I go between Europe and the US a lot and own one of these. Hopefully this means US companies will offer more support for the fairphone 4!
I have an epson eco tank. No more ink cartridges.