I’ve honestly never heard of this. Could you link me to an article or something that I could read to learn more?
Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.
I’m single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.
@artbyflashmob on Instagram
ACAB, Anti-War, and I hate both Democrats and Republicans
I’ve honestly never heard of this. Could you link me to an article or something that I could read to learn more?
No excuse has been inane enough to dismay Democratic partisans.
Agreed, partisans in the US are very culty.
It’s odd to write this sentence, but it’s observably true: Both sides nominated an old man in clear, public cognitive decline in the last election. They all just ignored it and made excuses, but our eyes work, and we saw it. It’s wild that lacking a brain that works is no longer a dealbreaker for the vast majority of Americans.
This is the way.
All the more reason to stop voting Democrat and pull the lever for the Green candidate instead.
This is the way.
Richard Nixon was great at weaponizing taxes against windfall profits to the benefit of the people. Also, if I recall correctly, this sort of taxation is partly why the US prospered so much from the 40’s to the 60’s.
Not interested. The folks on Blue sky can keep their corporate social media.
It’s who we are.
Because it’s a good product.
Me and my colleagues in tech call it the ‘Granny Browser’.
Either use Firefox/UBlock Origin or Brave. Brave’s native adblock is good enough you don’t need add-ons.
The sad thing is that shit like this is more likely to get Elon Musk out than Congress, because all anyone seems to care about is Trump’s ego.
LOL, no.
I want the US to succeed. I don’t give a fuck who’s in charge, and it’s exceedingly silly to me to watch people saying “I told you so” in this political climate, when the Democrats saw their coalition shrink considerably and you all need to find a way to get those votes back. You should have MORE empathy now, not less, even if only out of self-interest.
You’re welcome. You’re going to do great. :)
Ah, didn’t mean for my advice to seem disparaging in anyway, so I apologize if that seemed the tone of it.
Luckily, as others have mentioned on the thread, there’s a ton of great resources online to help you out. You’re going to do great, and when your son is older, he’ll be grateful that you took the time.
I think the two big things I have to add are:
Don’t let the church educate your son on these things.
Don’t say nothing.
If you’re unsure about talking to them about these things yourself, seek out a man you trust, talk to them about it and make sure your values align, and then talk to your son about them together.
You can gaslight yourself all you want, but you can’t gaslight me. My eyes actually work.
It only seems recent because you’re young and not aware of the history of the term.
Did you miss that moment when Elon Musk did two Nazi salutes, in public, at the inauguration, and no one did anything about it?
This isn’t a “they’re calling everyone Nazis” moment. The Nazis are calling themselves Nazis and making it a public-facing symbol of the power they’ve gained.
Call it white nationalist, MAGA, or whatever. Giving it a different label does not change what it is, and that’s especially true when they start raising their arms Hitler-style on national television.
It’s not a new thing, and while I don’t think it can be easily distilled into a social media reply. I’ll do my best.
This has been a 40-year process, beginning with Ronald Reagan and continuing incrementally with every president since, including Obama unironically. (Remember how he crushed Occupy and ignored Ferguson and legalized torture on New Years Day?) It’s become stronger as people have become poorer and more willing to not give a shit about the quality of our country’s leadership. Now every person not only has personal biases, but a computer in their pocket constantly telling them everything they think is correct and actively angering them. Hitler would have creamed himself at the thought of being able to dictate social media algorithms.
If people can’t afford to feed their kids or see a doctor, they’re not going to give a shit about fascism, and no matter who we elect, most people can’t afford to see a doctor and adequately feed their kids.
It’s going to be worse now than it had to be. In 2016 people were willing to punch Nazis. Now, you can render a Nazi salute twice, in the seat of government, in front of the entire Democratic leadership… and they will fucking clap and smile.
Fuck Sam Altman’s greed. Pay the fucking artists you’re robbing.