WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean Douglas Adams was actually an LLM?
WAIT A MINUTE!!! You mean Douglas Adams was actually an LLM?
What’s a good FOSS replacement?
More or less like that regarding work. And on weekends it’s nice to go places, and/or have a vehicle to haul stuff. But that’s not everyday. So yeah, common ownership of a vehicle for roadtrips, and/or hauling stuff would be an elegant solution.
LoL, I must be living the ‘life of Riley’, then. My commute is less than a mile, and almost always by bike. And most of my errands, etc can be done by bike, as well. And yet the need for a car in our family is indeed extant.
Thanks, that’s helpful. I’m reluctantly considering purchasing a vehicle, possibly even relatively close to new. The ancient beater I drive when the bike won’t do the job isn’t subject to these issues, and might even be proof against an EMP. Tho’ where the hell I’d get petrol in a post apocalyptic landscape is an as yet unanswered question. lol. I like the idea of the ‘bells and whistles’ of modern conveyances, and do so much in other spheres to limit corporate access that it makes sense to consider how to minimize in the case of a more modern car.
Wouldn’t end-to-end encryption with, for instance, Signal sidestep some of this data collection? Specifically related to text, telephony, video conferencing? Could one use a masked email to put a layer between oneself and one’s car/ car company?
I’m just ‘brainstorming’ as this is a big issue, and I"m sure there are folks that have done deeper study and thinking on these impacts on our privacy. What about using a VPN?
I haven’t used this in years! TY for reminding me.
How corporate social media’s biggest user protest, and exodus, rocked reddit, acccording to corporate media - FTFY
Star trek comes to life, yet again.
“the year twitter died” is passive, and generally not a preferred way to write this, as there are specific actions by one (EM) or several individuals. The active phrase, “the year twitter was killed”, is more reflective of the actual situation, and thus better communication. FTFY.
Thalamic deep brain stimulation in traumatic brain injury: a phase 1, randomized feasibility study - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02638-4
Study refereneced: Valuing the functionality of tropical ecosystems beyond carbon - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2023.08.012
The real info is in the last paragraph:
Instead, we should divest from fossil fuel infrastructure and push world leaders to hold polluting industries accountable. A recent report from the International Energy Agency (The path to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C has narrowed, but clean energy growth is keeping it open- https://www.iea.org/news/the-path-to-limiting-global-warming-to-1-5-c-has-narrowed-but-clean-energy-growth-is-keeping-it-open) outlined how clean energy investments showed the most promise for averting the worst of climate change. “Removing carbon from the atmosphere is very costly. We must do everything possible to stop putting it there in the first place,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said in a statement (Carbon Capture Tech Hype Is Fizzling Out, IEA Says - https://gizmodo.com/carbon-capture-tech-hype-is-fizzling-out-iea-says-1850874857).
Good to go. Always roll with the latest version. 118.0.1
Papers Referenced in the above article:
A Synthetic ERR Agonist Alleviates Metabolic Syndrome
Synthetic ERRα/β/γ Agonist Induces an ERRα-Dependent Acute Aerobic Exercise Response and Enhances Exercise Capacity
TIL, thanks! I like it.
A scute.
A shield-shaped dorsal sclerite or plate of certain insects and arachnids.
An oblong shield made of boards or wickerwork covered with leather, with sometimes an iron rim; carried chiefly by the heavy-armed infantry of the Roman army.
I’m assuming the third definition is the one we’re after. But it could be an alligator scute, ya never know. (https://animals.howstuffworks.com/reptiles/alligator.htm). And having looked at scutes, I think a phone shaped like that would be all kinds of amusing!
I’d been using an iPod Touch 4G thru 7G, for my everything pocket computer. Apple killed the iPod Touch, so I migrated to iPhone 13 mini just over a year ago. Sorry folx, they prolly killed the 13 mini cuz of me. Any other Apple products you’d like me to latch onto, so Apple will kill it? :-(
How do you feel about government backed currencies?