In Christo-fascist Uganda, da poopoo eat you
In Christo-fascist Uganda, da poopoo eat you
Never updating your browser again is a pretty bad idea when it comes to security
Michael Jackson
Something isn’t adding up
Is Wisconsin’s law really any different? Most states the test for self defense is reasonable belief that your life is in danger from an imminent threat, but I’d doubt that claim from anyone who is pursuing someone else who is fleeing from them.
Watch next year’s models have LTE modems…for your convenience of course
That’s actually like $600,000 per person
And a 100,000 watt shortwave radio transmitter
Should be abolished
It’s also kind of childish to get offended at it, and even more childish to have your ego wrapped up in a game, especially one that you’re not even playing
Coming from Kali Linux, this is still normal
Mavis Beacon would cry if she were around to see this
Right, it’s remembering them and using them efficiently that’s hard. It’s amusing watching coworkers try to flex in vim and then struggle at the most basic tasks.
Give it a shot, maybe he’ll have enough time before November to publish a book
Zlib is still accessible at https://singlelogin.re/
It’s a common misunderstanding that an autopilot system in an airplane does everything or even a lot of things. The most basic ones keep the wings level and nothing else. Of course Tesla is probably counting on that misconception to sell this feature, but actual pilots using any kind of autopilot are still on the hook to pay attention 100% of the time.
Remember when Sony audio CDs came with a rootkit, and then the ‘uninstaller’ they distributed had even more malware?
In the coming decade, China will dominate technology because it has focused intensively on the important partnership between the public and private sectors with stunning results.
It’s the “partnership between the public and private sectors” in particular that lost consumer and foreign government trust in technology originating from China.
How is China going to “dominate” anything when it’s spent the last 20+ years shamelessly ripping off R&D through reverse-engineering and corporate espionage? What can it even claim of its own as true innovation?
I don’t use it for pleasure, I use it to get around. If car drivers are stressing about rider safety (I don’t get that impression) they can show it by putting their phones down and paying better attention to the world around them.
Like most drivers you probably just don’t notice the ones that aren’t loud / ridden by asshats.
Many bikes have basically the same performance as a civic, you are painting with far too broad a brush here.
In a decade running a motorcycle as my only transport, I’ve never been remotely a threat to the 5,000 pound tanks I’m forced to share the road with, but almost been taken out by left turning stop sign and red light runners more times than is reasonable.
Yeah for real, why is Bill Gates still among polite society?