Awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Awfully quick to remove people from society.
Sad that you think those actions are just. May you be treated how you treat others. 😉
Awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Awfully quick to remove people from society.
Sad that you think those actions are just. May you be treated how you treat others. 😉
Funny how you assume I want to ban it. Seems like a common trend. In which you are identical to the frequenters of r/the_donald. If I don’t flatout agree with you, I must heavily oppose you.
Didn’t you get the “trans care is a dialog” part? I mean I would love to see your reasoning in how that can be viewed as wanting to ban it. I always love a good show of mental gymnastics.
I guess you missed the important part. And focussed only on the irrelevant part. Didn’t expect anything else tbh.
No sweetie, those can be diagnosed through imaging and completed without the patient saying one word.
Trans care is a dialog.
Nice try, better luck next time?
Because this post is about trans care. There are certain online ethics that kinda prohibit hijacking of posts. One of the 10k today?
Every day there are 10k…
You are hilarious. Not in a good way. You are incapable of having a normal discussion. You always, without fail go for the ad hominem. Your conduct here today is a disservice to the trans community.
True. And how do those differ from trans care?
Please point out where I made those statements?
As was mentioned, it’s a long process. With still 1%, which is a very conservative estimate, regretting it after all those years, all that information. I feel this should be mentioned.
What you did not mention however was the 13% that stopped transitioning and started detransitioning. The previous 1% only takes into account completed transitions. Since it’s a lengthy process, there are many that stop during the process.
That should also be mentioned and the fact that you willingly choose to omit it shows you do not want informed consent.
Informed consent is now anti-trans? Really?
No. You did not. Parents aren’t required. Neither is the doctor initially. Psycologist or psychiatrist would be better. They have a better understanding than your run of the mill doctor.
Perhaps I should’ve been more clear that my response was not aimed only at you, but the others here as well.
Please point out where I wrote anything like that. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
It’s funny how you just downvote and provide zero arguments. Just jumping to call me anti-trans and a pedo.
Good thing I’m not as phobic as you people and will still support the trans community, just not the individuals being dicks.
So requesting you be honest and fully inform kids is pedophiliac tendencies? You do get how this makes you look? Right?
Please point out where I mentioned anything anti-trans. Or is this again by requesting honesty and transparency? Again, you do realise how this makes you look? Right?
Judging from the responses and downvotes, I can see this community still doesn’t want informed consent…
Hence the /procedures. 😉
Weird how you left out the links of studies, reports of people that actually do regret it. I mean should we just ignore those people?
If you want kids to be able to make these decisions, you will have to inform them. Properly. Not just paint them a nice picture. That’s what you’re currently doing. Not informing them and painting nice pink pictures.
It is not sunshine and rainbows for everyone. There are trans people who regret it. Ignoring that fact is being dishonest with yourself and the transcommunity.
Please point out where I wrote anything remotely close to that. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
On one hand arguing that a 15 yo isn’t old enough to realise the consequences of spreading AI nudes of a real girl.
On the other hand arguing that 15 yo’s are totes old and responsible enough to undergo life changing surgery/procedures.
It is different. It’s genital mutilation. Has fuck all to do with gender affirmation
That’s why I’m living now, not waiting for retirement. I got a good 15 years left, maybe 20 if I push it. Then I’m tapping out. Not a fan of keeping on living just for the sake of breathing.
Are you that desperate to be a victim? You’d accuse others, very rudely, without any proof, just so you can play a game of gotcha?
In another post I have mentioned having over 2 decades of experience with troubled youth and young adults. You might find the comment, you might not, I tend to delete comments often.
In my line of work suicide of those we aim to help is a very real possibility. During those years we have lost 11 transitioned young people who explicitly mentioned their new body being a large part of the reason why they took that drastic step. They are not found in the statistics linked in this thread. Other factors did play a part, true. But those are the ones that explicitly mentioned it. A few of those mentioned explicitly how they felt under informed about the negative possibilities. They were mostly told, by people like you, online and in other trans communities, that life will be much better afterwards. Medical professionals downplayed the medical risks, complications, pain, discomfort. Oh they were mentioned, but downplayed.
The worst thing I could wish upon you: may you be treated how you treat others.