I use Futurama-based names. It started with my wifi network, which I named Zoidberg, because why not. The NAS is Infosphere, the media server is Hypnotoad, etc.
I use Futurama-based names. It started with my wifi network, which I named Zoidberg, because why not. The NAS is Infosphere, the media server is Hypnotoad, etc.
So I’m an insurance agent who has also been through a house fire personally. Any of the options people have suggested here would be fantastic and far better than what most people have, which is nothing.
What I suggest to my clients is to make a video once or twice a year walking through your house, inside and out. Video makes it less likely to miss a small detail that turns out to be important later than pictures, but pictures are also helpful. Insurance aside, it’s kinda fun to look back and see how things have changed through the years. I like to do it around Christmas.
Ideally that would be in addition to a spreadsheet or something with receipts and serial numbers and individual photos of specific items, but that’s a lot of work and hardly anyone keeps up with it on a consistent and long-term basis.
Whatever you end up doing, it’s useless if the only copy is stolen, burned, or sprayed with a hose. This is one thing I keep with a major cloud provider with a local backup. At the very least, make sure you have an off-site backup that’s reasonably up to date.
Tracking for my LE was like that all weekend, but it updated with details last night. It was actually picked up Friday for delivery tomorrow, so something might be wonky with UPS tracking.
If it matters, mine is headed to Pennsylvania. It was shipped from Illinois. Ordered at 11:57am PST according to the confirmation email. You ordered quite a bit before I did, so hopefully yours is on the way too.
I would accept that as an explanation if it was the one they gave.
I mean, the only reason I hardly ever use 10x zoom is that it looks like a shitty impressionist painting. If optical zoom made it look better, I would use it often.
Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari, maybe?
Quite a bit of what I have on my Jellyfin server is ripped from DVDs and Blu-Rays that I already had.
If the neighbor is doing this intentionally, I’m pretty sure it violates some pretty serious wiretapping laws.
Surprisingly yes. You’re obviously not gonna be running it on ultra with raytracing, but it runs and controls well.