Those people are too busy foaming at the mouth over the gulf of America. They never gave a shit about Palestine, it was nothing more than a convenience for them.
Those people are too busy foaming at the mouth over the gulf of America. They never gave a shit about Palestine, it was nothing more than a convenience for them.
vote out the Democrats giving Republicans majority control over the senate and house of reps.
“wHy AReN’t DeMS dO soMEThinG”
The democrats tried to appeal to the people who actually vote.
Not voting is an action. An action that says, “either is fine”
Once again you are forcing a national identity onto me when talking about cultural identities.
Not to mention demonstrating a very poor knowledge of the Good Friday Agreement.
Forcing another cultural identity onto someone. You must be English.
One that doesn’t feel the need to defend itself from petty bullshit.
Americans are posting videos about 3D-printed guns
Cultural Exchange
It’s always cute seeing yanks try and act like one of the big boy countries, talking about their “Culture”
Historically men have done better than women. So he’s probably right.
Well the American left wouldn’t turn out to vote, what makes you think they’d try and storm the capital?
Or maybe the guy who in all likelihood had a mental breakdown isn’t thinking clearly?
This just sounds hella suspicious
Or maybe he wasn’t the criminal mastermind everyone was jerking themselves over?
“what’s with all the Nazis on steam”
They are called gamers. And them buying pedophile anime visual novels and CSGO crates make up 80% of Valve’s turnover
The rest of the world has known this for years.
Americans being dumb cunts. What a surprise.
By the time that happens they’ll find another single issue to focus their energy on.
By not being single issue shit heads.
90s kids are the only ones who know how to build and fix computers.
Aww dude
For as much as people want their Musky circlejerks. This is really just a problem with the switch the EVs that people aren’t willing to accept.
There is no way to really stop an EV battery fire.
The batteries in these cars are made up of several cells, packed into a watertight, fire resistant box. When just one of those cells goes it’s over. It can create a chemical reaction that can ignite the cells without the need for oxygen, pure heat will set them off.
The only real way of dealing with them is to let them burn themselves out, and even after that they aren’t safe and could reignite.
Holy shit. A reasonable take from someone who clearly leaves the house.