This kill switch, the DOJ said, appeared to have been created by Lu because it was named “IsDLEnabledinAD,” which is an apparent abbreviation of “Is Davis Lu enabled in Active Directory.”
Lu named these codes using the Japanese word for destruction, “Hakai,” and the Chinese word for lethargy, “HunShui,”
[Lu]’s “disappointed” in the jury’s verdict and plans to appeal
No, this guy is cooked, there’s even evidence of him looking up how to hide processes and quickly delete files, absolutely no way an appeal would work out for him, I don’t think an “I got hacked” argument is going to work.
My first SWE job out of college in 2019 they were still using SVN because none of the seniors could be bothered to learn how to use git.
The “well this is how we’ve always done it” attitude had a death grip on that place