I have never used this bixbi AI
I have never used this bixbi AI
Im so glad im no longer on there
Thank you! I wasnt sure if i understood it correctly
Can someone give me a TLDR?
I have been banned from reddit for supporting Ukraine.
Here its smaller, but that makes it more charming
They will sell your Idea as a premium feature now
Americans really dont know how to protest…
…he voted for the people who dont recognise the head of his religion?! As a former catholic myself, wow, he is a stupid one, hope the one person threw which they are your inlaws isnt as bright as them
Just rename the functions, classes and variables ;) “Hey look at the game i made!”
I know they had a terrible redesign last year and then it went all terribly down hill
It shut down, didnt it?
So many are…
No. Facism is not in the same league as conservatism. I should know. People of my country got inspired by fascism, started their own thing aaand ww2 and holocaust
Then the conservatives arent conservative anymore. They are fascist, so please call them that :)
Hahahaha yeaaah they wont like what i post and used to post.
Dear reader if you are curiouse, its both. Both of what you think
Are you sure you mean conservatives or do you just label fascists, reactionarys, nazis and anything that isnt “left” as "conservative?
I got perma banned after i joined NAFO as a mod 2 bannes for petty reasons and then the third and final ban. Always waited for the other bans to time out
King Charles has my full support to TAKE BACK THE COLONIE!
I think the definition for me would be geek
You dont. Thats why you write comments!