To start Firefox without any plugins loaded, go from
Menu > Help > Troubleshoot Mode...
To start Firefox without any plugins loaded, go from
Menu > Help > Troubleshoot Mode...
On mine it’s only available from the Izzy repo, not the main fdroid one.
Edit: Here’s the source code. Try with either Izzy or Obtainium to install.
You know what’s funny, the two clients that don’t support your dropdown/spoiler for anti-commercial licences were commercial closed-source Lemmy clients.
I say sod them and go back to your dropdown.
I can’t stand Rossman’s videos; but I respect the hell out of his ideas, principles, and efforts to better the slices of technological life that he cares about.
Thus just feels like a lazy LLM-generated article.
Here are some secrets of Linux that many people may not be aware of. *Proceeds to list things that Linux is famous for*
all work in floats
We even have float16 / float8
now for low-accuracy hi-throughput work.
My parents still double click everything on their mobile…
Nothing much. What’s up with you?
I don’t know where you are, but painter’s tape (or masking tape) comes in all sorts of colours. Including white.
The way I normally do it is the following. Strip the sleeve further back than you need (say, an inch). Untwist the 8 cores and separate them.
Arrange them in the right order (the extra length makes this easy) Flatten, pack them together, and pinch with your thumb and forefinger near the base.
Without letting go of the pinch, use your free hand to cut them to the correct length. Now that you have them flat between your fingers in the right order, it should be pretty straightforward to slide them into the connector.
Not Toyotas
Other than desktop pwa, what features do the other browsers have that aren’t available as a Firefox plugin?
It’s literally the only result if you search for “organic”
Was on the market for a TV for my grandparents recently. I just need a monitor, digital receiver, and remote - in one neat package. How hard can it be?
Very, apparently. Can’t even find cheap Chinese crap that isn’t “smart” these days.
Or think of it as “convenience fee” for the people who can’t use F-Droid.
If my friend, who thinks I’m IT support since I majored computer science, asks me which tracker they should use - I would just tell them to pay the $4 for OpenTracks.
I read the title 10 times and was still confused until I saw your comment. And I’m not even dyslexic.
Or am i…?
I think we inadvertently have given x.org the hug of death in the past few days… I don’t think their server have seen so many people link to it at once.
Reddit has made it clear they don’t care at all. The amount of lying and gaslighting is sickening.
My understanding of the joke is less about tables, more about pontification; I.e. “it is so because we say it is”.