You’re not wrong, but having a specific score of upvoting problematic content feels like a new low.
You’re not wrong, but having a specific score of upvoting problematic content feels like a new low.
A social credit score, if you will. Government is gonna love purchasing this on the cheap. Hell, maybe they already have.
This should make tax season pressure free for new families, given the sudden uptick in octuplets birthed in the previous tax year. It’s nice not to have to worry about getting audited.
Besides, the IRS is definitely going to get turned into a political weapon, given that they’ve already accused Democrats of that, this is one of their next projections.
In this thread I’ve had two separate people mention the major problem with campaign finance or money in politics. And I think I have to agree, part of the reason that the Democrats are so disappointing because they serve the same masters.
Maybe that could be a concentrated goal and and the rallying cry for the Democrats approaching the midterms, that you shouldn’t even try to run on the Democratic ticket unless you’re going to push for campaign finance reform that ends citizens united. That might be a big enough change to start improving our democratic system.
I can certainly agree with the money in politics being an openly corrupt system. Maybe that’s the rallying cry for the midterms? The neo liberal status quo is indeed bullshit, and you’re right that they just toss us breadcrumbs. This is a big enough breadcrumb to make a difference though.
Unfortunately, not much given that this is the framework of the American democratic process. But, I think talking about it, openly and inviting new ideas to the mix, and encouraging people to vote in every election is a needed part of the process, while pessimism without solutions serves nobody and hinders progress.
It’s appropriate to be frustrated, but eventually we have to channel that frustration into action or it will disincentive everyone else from even trying.
Personally, I wish we had the economic freedom and class consciousness necessary to effectively protest. Eventually our economic troubles might be bad enough to completely override our “gotta make ends meet” inertia, but I hope we can improve things before that happens.
Do you have any ideas as to what we could do differently or more efficiently? We joke about it, but even revolution isnt out of the question if you can get enough support, the problem as always is that broad support.
Absolutely. Political funding is broken thanks in large part to citizens United. Campaign finance reform certainly should be a campaign item for any progressive candidate.
I think that’s appropriately cautious. It may be more safe and feasible in solidly blue cities/towns/districts, and it will have to get a lot more support than the tea party did for it to have any hope at spreading to “battleground” elections without serious risk.
I agree on every point, though I do feel like alternative parties to the Democrats can be successful in local and state elections, much like how the tea party has found some successes in more local politics. And I would say if locally people start successfully voting in more progressive alternatives, it will result in irrefutable proof that progressive policies are the winning move.
But, that starts local. It starts small, not big. And it starts where politicians impact you the most, your local community.
1000%, let’s encourage people to vote in democratic primaries anytime we see this “both sides” sentiment. Thank you!
We agree. We have about 3 years until the next presidential election cycle, maybe, and we either need to challenge the Democratic party, or improve it.
Instead of pessimism, do you have any ideas?
I don’t even know if we have to bankrupt them anymore. I think a Biden executive order just stopped or severely limited credit reporting on medical debt, and I don’t think trump or musk has fucked that one back up.
But what they did do is fuck up the CFPB, so these debt collectors are going to get away with more fraud fueled bullshit. But I wonder if you can simply report any medical debt that does show up to be inaccurate based on the Biden EO.
There still are laws in place, the dumb dickheads just fired some of the enforcers. Now, debt collectors are going to have to try to garner your wages, and if you’re smart enough, you’ll go into court with evidence that you have been following the process of law, and they haven’t since the enforcers are gone, and it’ll just further roadblock the debt collecting scumbags.
That is of course, in a just world. In the real world, very few will know about their rights and recourse, and all it takes is one shitty judge with prejudice to ruin lives, as usual.
So let’s get this right.
They currently have care, including preventative care. If we remove them from Medicaid, they will no longer be able to afford care, even preventative care.
The only doctor’s office that can’t turn them down based on their ability to pay is the emergency room, the most expensive form of healthcare in America.
So instead of preventing large medical bills and keeping emergency rooms manageable, we’re going to instead shift the burden onto hospitals, fill emergency rooms, who as usual, shift this burden onto the paying customers (also us, btw), at the most expensive rate possible.
Yep, sounds like a republican plan to me.
That honestly doesn’t sound like a bad mission, but it seems like there’s a couple other requirements they should impose on their mission and then there wouldn’t be any controversy.
They should require that their package works as well as the upstream, and, in the even that it doesn’t, they need to be very blatant and open that this is a downstream package, and support for it will only be provided by Fedora Flatpaks, and that you may have better results with the official packages.
The primary issues in this case is that it doesn’t work, and it’s not been clear to users who to ask for help.
That’s what they campaigned on, dictator on day 1. And if we don’t start seeing judicial consequences for these criminals soon, I hope some brave hero will enforce extrajudicial consequences for them.
That must be the limit. You shall only beat officers nearly to death with an American flag, any more than that and it’s illegal. Seems reasonable.
Honestly, as I start to correlate the two, it really seems like a similar issue to me. Besides of course, emigrating also having barriers to entry based on economic status and/or skills, and the extreme difference in importance.
One of the most daunting tasks of either is rebuilding your support network or taking them with you.
A sinking ship drifting into ruin that people are actively trying to leave from as well.
Don’t worry, he’s got a great plan for you. Forced labor on a government run “no technology wellness farm” with limited contact to the outside world.
Slavery cures ADHD and depression, right?
It looks like as long as the host has a Plex pass, this doesn’t change much. It is a regression of service, which sucks, but there are viable alternatives for those unable or unwilling to pay. And honestly, jellyfin is the clear winner in that case and always has been.
Now, if they start to charge my friends and family for access to my media after I have already paid them for their lifetime subscription, then I’ll grab a pitchfork with the crowd.
Also, why not run both and be ready? The resources required are minimal if you’re running via docker, just some extra RAM and a negligible amount of compute for overhead on library maintenance tasks.