So glad I found this alternative. reddit, mods are psychos and the average user not much better
So glad I found this alternative. reddit, mods are psychos and the average user not much better
We have entered the out loud part of billionaire gangsters literally taking over the world or trying. Elon dreams of an authoritarian world where he can house his workers a la Foxconn. Honestly someone is going to star popping these malignant ghouls soon and Elon is a prime candidate. One special ops team and a MANDAP and no more X.
It’s Russia, or Iran or China or even our “ally” Saudi Arabia. So really, it’s time to reset the clock to pre 1989. Cut Russia and China off completely, no investment, no internet, no students no tourist nothing. These people mean and are continually doing us harm and we still plod along and some unscrupulous types become agents for personal profit. Enough.
WFH is supports the very policies that the government wants, less pollution less traffic more mental health. Unfortunately the business lobbies want us scurrying around like rats again because you know. Profits. Cats out of the bag now, no going back.
Ukraine special ops downs Elmos jet…
Rules for thee and not for me? How tf did he get to appeal all the way to THE SUPREME COURT! ffs. Anyway unfortunately it’s only 3 months but in this time he’ll go through the agony of alcohol withdrawal. I hope it’s utter hell he wishes on all of us.
I think SCOTUS isn’t relevant anymore. If i were a state governor I would flat out refuse to abide by or use a guidance anything coming from this “court”.
Oh please! I’d love to see Big Oil shrivel and die just like our societies and very planet have under their influence.