Plenty of outspoken state critics have had the CIA’s highest reward for investigative journalism administered cranially.
Plenty of outspoken state critics have had the CIA’s highest reward for investigative journalism administered cranially.
The more sophisticated the system, the more sophisticated your method must be to break it. Eventually the means to break it will grow out of the reach of guerilla movements
Old Zealand is in Denmark
The cost is just money in this case. It doesn’t use rare or unethically sourced materials (at least if you’re not a vegan), it advances the biological sciences as a whole and it’s something to do for bio grads that might generate a lot of value for society in the future.
Taiwan has been independent from the mainland since 1949. That’s 74 years. Were people in the US in 1850 ethnically British? Largely yes, and that’s with the US recieving massive migration from other countries, which Taiwan has not had.
The Taiwanese people speak Chinese, practice Chinese cultural traditions, call themselves the Republic of China many even to this day support reconciliation.
What’s the living wage in China?
Generations are generally ~20 years. It’s been 3-4 generations since the first nuclear power plant, and less since the first commercial one. It’ll certainly be at least one more before commercial fusion even being optimistic
Plenty of models can do hands just fine
They didn’t say trace. A good artist can use the style of another artist when creating a new work.
The ability and willingness to generate images in a style associated with a person, without consent, is a threat to that persons job security and shows a lack of value for them as a human. As if their creative expression is worth nothing but as a commodity to be consumed.
You can’t own an art style. Copyright only extends to discrete works and characters. If I pay a street artist to draw a portrait of me in the style of Picasso, I’m not devaluing Picasso as a person.
It sucked for candle makers when electric lights were adopted. It sucked for farriers and stable hands and saddle makers when cars became affordable for the average person. Such is the cost of progress.
This is true in US law but it should probably be noted that a lot of the “misconceptions” you’re outlining in OP’s comment are things that are legal in other jurisdictions
Once you display an idea in public, it belongs to anyone who sees it.
Art is a part of the human condition. Whether or not it can be commercialised, it will endure as a past-time, just not as a vocation.
The rich and powerful must go away, or everyone else will suffer.
Soon enough they will succeed in eliminating most jobs, and the moment will come where action must be taken. Them or us.
Artists don’t own their styles, so it’s interesting to see them fight to protect them.
The only thing that makes anything valuable is that someone wants it, or at least wants it to exist. Nothing has intrinsic value because value itself is a human construction. This necessarily includes art.
All but a very small few generative AI programs use completely destructive methods to create their models. There is no way to recover the training images outside of infantesimally small random chance.
What you are seeing is the AI recognising that images of the sort you are asking for generally include watermarks, and creating one of its own.
A person is their experiences though, the meat shell on its own can’t ever become the person killed without experiencing life in the exact same way and at the same time as the previous one.