The best kind of funny
The best kind of funny
This somehow reads with the same energy as those “please don’t download scientific papers for free from , that would be so terrible” posts.
Must be a client thing, I see those :::spoiler things everywhere but they don’t work, using the spoiler button in my markdown editor produced my comment and works correctly on my machine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good thing too! I could never find it!
!Commonly known as “clit mouse” where I’m from!<
The longer wire (being also thicker) has less resistance and is therefore wasting less power as heat, that’s where the Voltage drop is going.
Sure, most of the time it’s fine if you know what you’re doing, but that’s why it’s general wisdom and not a hard rule, like “don’t put metal in the microwave”, it’s said to protect those that have no idea what they’re doing/why the saying exists
And both bugs are not even bugs if you don’t combine them.
There is a difference betwen
"format": null
and not specifying the format at all.
Hmmmmm, that sure does sound like a bug
Can I cuss the software for being terrible and then git blame
in silence right after?
They do host them on their servers, sort of (if you’re asking how ad brokers work that’s a bit of a different scope).
Does poo have to be on your desk to smell it?
The post office (website) is telling you (your computer) to go over and pick up a parcel of poo (an ad) that’s there for you.
You say no, I don’t think I will (adblock/poo block)
I personally enjoyed Exapunks more but they’re both bangers for sure
Handy dandy diagram for any execs that are confused
So, if I’m understanding your intent correctly/distilling it out a bit: you want a feature that lets you seed a new public torrent from a private torrent (using the same local files) in one click?
I’m not too familiar with the plugin APIs of a lot of torrent clients but this sounds like something a plugin could handle.
Worked ootb and smoothly for the 50ish hours I’ve put into in while on Linux. OP is defo cursed somehow
Why is this post not marked NSFW(not safe for worms)?
Economies of scale and subsidies/successful lobbying.
Those two on the left 100% modeled their outfits after the baddies in the second half of FarCry 3
“It is not even wrong” - Wolfgang Pauli
PIA got bought out
switched to express
Oh no
An uptick in users/popularity