From Google AI:
Never Feed After Midnight: If a Mogwai is fed after midnight, it will undergo a transformation into a Gremlin, a mischievous and destructive creature.
Gremlins? IDK. Down Syndrome? Definitely.
Give a person with down syndrome alcohol? I’d rather feed a Gremlin after midnight
Eat em all at once. Right before your appointment at the dentist to have your teeth cleaned
This woman is obviously mentally ill. No one in their right mind would repeatedly return to sabotage the same location again and again.
I’m curious, have your interactions with Americans been with those that have traveled to Europe? The reason I ask is because I was able to visit years ago and wondered if maybe European’s view of Americans is skewed because they mostly see those of us that come from well off backgrounds (upper income). I met young Americans that had been there multiple times because their parents paid their way while they were on summer break from school. In contrast, I was the exact opposite. You’re not likely to see many low income folks visiting so you may have a skewed viewpoint.
This has to be a put on. All of the deal making gets done beforehand. Two leaders sitting down and making a deal on video is symbolic, all of the groundwork is long done before it gets to this point. Trump and company are putting on a show for the camera
The idiot parents are most likely vaccinated because their parents weren’t idiots
Chrome on android, no ad blocker. Maybe they let you see a few articles for free eack month and you’ve hit your limit?
Weird I can see the whole article
There have been no immediate reported deaths or injuries associated with the quakes.
There’s really not much there besides tumbleweeds and oil rigs
I don’t doubt you’re right nobody cares about the lowly pigeon, in fact some cities encourage nesting of raptors to keep their population in check. I do doubt any protected birds are allowed to be kept. Hawks are very common where I live, seeing a red tail or cooper’s hawk is a daily occurance where I live so I assume the regulations are for humane treatment rather than preservation. My friend and his son came across a dead bald eagle while hiking and they kept it as they had a large skull collection. I looked it up and as you said it’s against the law with very steep penalties so I advised him to make sure his son kept his mouth shut in school.
There’s a homing pigeon club not far from where I live.
I once went down a rabbit hole looking at falconry. In my state its heavy regulated, it’s probably the same with pigeons.
West Texas is sparsely populated if I’m not mistaken.
Two things your graph doesn’t show you. Interest rates when I left high school were double what they are now. Also the unemployment rate was more than double what it is now.
A minimun wage construction job? Someone is lying to you. Dad was probably working the glory hole at kwik-e-mart. No bank is going to give a house loan to someone making minimum wage.
I can’t imagine why you don’t have a ton of friends
Funny how it never occurs to the folks who espouse the virtues of socialism and communism that they should apply those same ideals to their own life. Acting collectively was the way my friends and I were able to move away from home.
If I knew how I’d already have a cult of my own. I hear being charismatic is a prerequisite