Tough to sell any old jar of farts without somebody wanting it for some reason (like having already seen pics of your butthole and becoming a perverted fan of everything your butthole ejects).
Tough to sell any old jar of farts without somebody wanting it for some reason (like having already seen pics of your butthole and becoming a perverted fan of everything your butthole ejects).
It seems that way to us on the face of it but the lines that’ve been trotted out are firstly the worry that money is coming from an illegal source whether underaged or trafficked and secondly that money laundering could be happening, OF would be/is an extremely easy way to clean dirty money.
They used to have to set up actual businesses that did actual work in case a genuine customer appeared, now they can buy feet pics and jars of farts or whatever.
beyond calculable or appraisable value; of inestimable worth; priceless:
It’s funny how the few who’re totally sold on Bluetooth go “ugh, but then you’d need a headphone jack” as if it isn’t an upgrade for others which wouldn’t affect their ability to use Bluetooth at all.
If used by a home user who didn’t know what they were doing they might have run it hotter for much longer than a typical gamer so the thermal paste might need a redo.
If used by some miner doing it even quasi-professionally or as a side-gig I’d much prefer it over a 2nd hand card from any typical gamer (most miners) they’ve kept the voltage/temps low and taken care of it far better than a gamer who might be power cycling regularly and definitely thermal cycling even more regularly.