Was going to suggest Talenti, but just looked it up and they are also Unilever. It comes in a cool jar though…
Ruby Jewel does still seem to be owned by the lady that started the company after winning a food competition twenty years ago. And it’s available nation wide (US) as of three years ago.
Also Strauss Organic is amazing, but I don’t know how far they are distributed, they are local to me. Edit: Their ice cream is available across the US.
But you can lick yourself and others for… other purposes?
Finding the right therapist is somewhere between doing job interviews and going on tinder dates with the intention of an LTR. It’s hard work and it sucks and most people will not be the right person. I think people get the idea that therapists are this magical authority figure who represents “therapy” as a whole. There are so many styles of therapy to choose from and people with in those styles. They are humans with a skill to share, you need the right human with the right skill.
Lemmings don’t jump off cliffs and they are not stupid. A sociopath employed by Disney threw a few dozen off a cliff for documentary in the 50s, for… reasons…? The story stuck. They’re just normal little rodents, tougher than most, as they can survive brutal winters on bleak landscapes.
Dan Savage, the romantic advice columnist, says you should not move in together until you have been farting in front of each other for six months.
SSNs are guaranteed to be unique upon assignment. The problem is that so many leaks have happened that nearly everyone’s has been stolen and is being used in some type of financial identity theft. The thieves are the people with two (or more) SSNs.
But what if they are a woman…?
You can’t just go get medi-cal though, you have to qualify by having an income of $20k or below (more if you have kids), are under 21 or over 65, permanently disabled or currently pregnant.
People on medi cal are constantly stressing about earning $1 too much and losing their healthcare. Covered California helps, but it’s still bad.
I cannot imagine working on spreadsheets on a smartphone. I’m getting a stress headache thinking about it.
Trump cannot be sued while president, but is free to sue others…
Facing an “unprecedented” number of civil lawsuits, Trump argued that having to fend off the litigation would be a “distraction” from his presidential duties and “interfere substantially” with the function of the executive branch.
They send me hand written Hallmark cards. They don’t know my name (yet) so mine get addressed to “our neighbor” but my neighbors get them addressed by name and are very creeped out by it. The latest one came during the LA fires and is about how “the bible” will help me “cope” with extreme weather:
I pick up a client’s meds as part of my job. It’s through Safeway, and I can’t get text notifications anymore when they are ready for pickup, I have to use the app, and I have to have push notifications turned on, so more than half of the notifications are some BS ad for safeway, trying to tempt me into buying bread or some shit. The guy takes over twenty medications, so it’s kind of a nightmare.
For reference:
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
Not supporting enslavement of the incarcerated, but in California, you can’t be forced to fight fires as a prisoner, it’s a volunteer position.
House cleaning gift certificates are also nice, if you know folks are already overwhelmed with casseroles. Same idea, taking some burden off their plate, freeing up their time off to grieve.
Not really. Normal people would see prison time for felony tax evasion. They are just making him pay what he owes. He’s not being punished. He’s also under house arrest for human trafficking instead of prison. He’s largely avoiding the consequences of his crimes.