Yknow here’s the thing.
I distinctly remember telling myself “don’t type Dutch” because I always say one when I mean the other.
Yknow here’s the thing.
I distinctly remember telling myself “don’t type Dutch” because I always say one when I mean the other.
God I love how Dutch is essentially just how I talk after I’ve had a pint too many. If I can ever get a hand on German, Dutch is the next language on my list.
Time will tell. What they’ve been saying is mostly good, but words are one thing, actions are another. All we can do is hope.
Y’know to an extent I get the whole “but he was a father and husband!” angle
But how many thousands of parents and children died so this man could get another yacht? How many of them died slow, painful deaths from awful illnesses that could have been cured or prevented while he didn’t? He, along with all his executive friends, was a mass murdering psychopath. There is zero moral difference between committing murder with a gun and committing murder with the stroke of a pen.
So the interesting difference is in MO it’s a constitutional amendment. Same way weed was legalized.
That is not to say they won’t do everything in their power to circumvent it (they will. The MO state government may be one of the most authoritarian and least representative in the country), but there’s a lot more roadblocks in the way in MO than KS.
I am honestly shocked that something like this hadn’t happened much sooner
To be entirely fair that’s a ridiculously low bar to clear considering they hate children.
They’re goofy but in a cute cartoony way. I love them.
vending machine that sells bullets
Sometimes I truly do love the absurdity of my country
Yeah I’m sure I’d probably be using chatgpt these days if I were still in school instead of paying the frankly stupid amount Chegg cost.
I imagine it varies quite a bit depending on the subject and who’s doing the answers. There were 3 or 4 answer authors that I learned to recognize as consistently quite good in the areas I needed it in.
I guess I had a much different experience with Chegg than most.
For a handful of my classes, it was the only way to consistently get similar problems with worked out solutions. I’m not going to pretend I never was lazy and used it to cheat, but most of my usage was of problems I wasn’t assigned so I could see how they were done.
That said, I can’t speak as to how they pay the people that actually do the work, that may be a whole can of worms that I really probably should’ve looked into when I was using it.
I like how one of their points of evidence is a only kinda sort of expensive camper trailer. Yeah, I’m perfectly fine with the people maintaining a public resource like that being able to go on camping trips lmao.
It’s fucking infuriating. It’s a constant cycle of electing in dipshits that fuck everything up, spending the next 4 years fixing all their bullshit through ballot measures, and then reelecting them.
Every stereotype about us Missourians being idiots is 100% true.
If I had to guess, it’s primarily to make people feel safer, security theater type stuff. I’m usually against that sort of thing, but you want people to feel it’s safe to vote, so if you gotta do some silly stuff, so be it. Plus it’s not like having narcan on hand is literally ever a bad thing.
Not with that attitude
I would say that’s an accurate description for a barbie doll that explodes personally.
I’m sure this varies a lot from district to district, but the districts that I have teacher friends in, they’ve been using Chromebooks almost exclusively for the better part of a decade now
The most common explanation I’ve seen, and imo it makes sense, is that things mostly just work now. Even XP required a helluva lot more troubleshooting and messing with stuff to make it work than today. So you not only have a bunch of people that have no troubleshooting experience, a large portion don’t even know how to properly search for things.
On the flip side, you have a lot more people doing insanely impressive stuff at a lot younger ages because if you have the drive to do it, there’s more material to learn than ever out there.
Frankly, that shouldn’t be limited to women. That’s abhorrent behavior, and frankly it speaks volumes about each and every one of his voters.
Always has been