This is the type of information that needs to be put on full blast in the state. If they believe children cannot consent, cannot be old enough to make their own decisions, and cannot escape their parent’s control, then this needs to be shoved into their faces. You want to make abortion illegal? Fine, but either you make an exception that allows minors to undergo the process or be fed details on the consequences of your decisions on a daily basis. You don’t get to sweep this under the rug and pretend it doesn’t involve you. YOU put this additional barrier upon a minor; YOU decided the child must undergo birthing that baby; YOU prioritized the fetus over the human.
Nah. It’s worked for 50 years and if we get another 30 then it’s done its job well. Government is supposed to review and adjust things as time goes on and Social Security Numbers weren’t intended to uniquely identify citizens. They probably expected an overhaul to be done by 2020.
They fact that we haven’t reworked portions of it and rely on SSNs to identify citizens shows that we haven’t had a forward-thinking Congress in the last 20 years at minimum.