Violence isn’t the answer, it’s the question. And the answer is yes.
Violence isn’t the answer, it’s the question. And the answer is yes.
There’s a reason guns were called the great equalizer.
Haha no: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_lining_(idiom)
But still funny in context 🤭
Yeah I’m in dental myself (another country), and when anti-fluoride patients come in, we generally sassily remark that we thank them for keeping us in business. Bit of dark humour to see the silver lining in things, I guess?
There have certainly been dental clinics going out of business in the last few years, something quite unheard of - unlike other ‘new businesses’, the success rate of opening a new dental clinic was normally guaranteed (unlike say a new cafe).
If the general population want to remove one of the best public health initiatives, then so be it. We’ll make hay while the sun shines.
I 100% misread the title and thought it was Florida.
Dentists in Florida Utah: yesssss thanks for the increased business!
On the other hand, obstructive sleep apnoea will eventually lead to heart attacks/strokes.
They meant doubt the gas leak.
It can, yes. TMJ-D can be debilitating.
Yes. And the jaw joint has more deterioration too.
You probably should get an MMR booster, yes. Check DTP as well.
They’re being very sarcastic. Very.
This sounds like a distinctly cultural problem where the word ‘limit’ clearly doesn’t mean very much to the population in question.
It’s a limit, not a target, and certainly not a floor as some USAsians seem to treat it.
Here in Australia you can be fined for exceeding the limit by less than 10km/h. Yes, even if you are 1km/h over, and whilst this would probably get thrown out in court you’d still have to take time off to attend court.
“If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
-Desmond Tutu
They also deliberately use fire to smoke out prey. The phenomenon calls them “Australian Firehawks”.
Not when all your other mates all tried the same thing, then flipped completely.
The world when you grew up was filled with men doing this exact thing, the concept of the friend zone has been around forever and even before that, women didn’t really have a choice.
Plenty of men who didn’t take no for an answer, and wore down the woman until they said yes.
Some of the ranches are big enough they do have helicopters. It’s not impossible.
I was thinking of this dude: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri's_fast
What a cracker of a question!
Short answer, yes.
Long answer, what sorts of side effects happen as a result of said medication? I don’t think there’s a single medication or even supplement out there that doesn’t have some sort of side effect (e.g., ibuprofen can cause gut bleeding, iron supplements can lead to constipation, grapefruit can screw with all sorts of medications), so balancing the cost benefit ratio is important.
I bought a StinkyBoard thinking I would be so productive… I was not. Perhaps I’m not being imaginative enough with its use. 😅