I recommend hosting your projects on Cloudflare Pages, as it is a free service provider to the best of my knowledge.
It does not work with opensuse MicroOS.
This refers to DNS over HTTPS. However, I am inquiring about DNS over TLS
Oh my bad, I think you are correct.
Material you is android not google branding.
Mobile browsers.
My question is why they don’t bump their min api.
For example brave support android 8 and up while firefox supports android 5 and up.
That is very good news, thank you.
Wait a second, I think you are correct, I just read the changelog from f-droid and they removed rar from the f-droid version.
- Discover how our privacy features protect you
- Set up automatic forwarding from Gmail
- Change an account login to your Proton Mail address
- Get the Proton Mail app on your iPhone or Android device
Fixed it thank you.
I don’t think this is a fork
Fixed it thank you.
I just like to use minimal apps, i am talking about the app size before install.
Lemmy cannot solve the spam issue sadly, this not something the devlopers who built it think about.
Even if mods blocked every instance that has spam, as more instances become avaliable, it would be easy to spam or troll lemmy.
Also Podcast republic is closed source app, if you don’t like this app then at least use pocket cast as it’s opensource under MPL-2.0 license.
I can’t relate to your experiance as it’s my main podcasts app now.
Do you happen to use android 14?
I am asking because in my experiance a lot of apps crash for no reason on android 14.
Blocking third-party cookies is a more effective way to protect user privacy than blocking tracking cookies, because third-party cookies can be used to track users across multiple websites.
The instance you listed is using an old version.