I can respect this. Beats racking my brain every night trying to think of what I want to eat.
I can respect this. Beats racking my brain every night trying to think of what I want to eat.
Then you’d be a lot warmer and a lot happier!
Somebody shoulda told him the quickest way to torpedo your music career is to be rude to Weird Al.
At least fish probably can’t choke by trying to breathe and drink at the same time.
Now everyone in the mechanic’s waiting room is wondering why I just snorted. Thanks… 😂💀
I’m way more disappointed.
Is this like Death Becomes Her immortality where your meat suit is not invincible and no longer self-healing? If I didn’t have to worry about painful and horrible disfigurement, I’d probably choose Skyrim. If I have to be careful, then something real chill like Travel Town.
I think the ancients referred to them as “Sporty Spice”
If no one is taking credit for it on the flyer, it might be bait to get people to come out to a fake (& unlicensed) protest to get themselves arrested.
Edit: “unlicensed”…I meant there’s no city permit obtained for the gathering. Many cities require such permits so they have a head’s up for crowd control and first responder staffing. No permit would mean they declare it an illegal protest and that introduces potential arrests.
The date will be 2/5/25. I think it’s more symbolism of protesting Project 2025.
They left out writing the number of your attorney or the ACLU on yourself in sharpie, so you’ll have it if you need it.
Because changing a state’s whole name would have to go through that state’s legislative process, not federal?
Meanwhile Denali is on federal land within Alaska. And idk. He doesn’t really give a fuck about consistency or rational thought from one move to the next.
I now return to my news media detox for the next week or so…
Aha! I’ve always wondered why office postage meters are called franking machines.
I just wanted to add to ask the doc if they’d give the green light to seeing a physical therapist. The PT was way more effective in helping me manage my back pain, whereas the doc would advise painkillers, muscle relaxers, and heat.
We’re all just recirculated stardust.
I found a service that will mix your ashes in concrete and make you into an artificial reef. I like the idea of getting coral and sea fans to grow on me.
You are right. It is relative. I’m twice your age. 25 is so young to me. I didn’t even really start having fun with adulthood until about 30. And I got into some shenanigans as a teen and twenty-something. Maybe that was more to do with leveling up the career until I had disposable income. Anyway, you may find yourself looking back on 25 and view it differently than you do now.