What even is the purpose of pulling this scam on a site like amazon. 99% of the time the customer is going to return the item since it definitely won’t fit in the socket.
What even is the purpose of pulling this scam on a site like amazon. 99% of the time the customer is going to return the item since it definitely won’t fit in the socket.
still waiting for one of these implementations to actually be useful
This is bad news for discord users. Making it a public company means that all their data will be up for sale when the company goes under
Yea that is what I have been doing. Although it seems the smaller sizes are not a great deal anymore and I am hesitant to buy anything larger due to the long rebuild times
Had a hard drive fail my main zfs array. First time I have experienced a disk failure so it was a bit worrying. Thankfully I had added an additional drive to expand the array so I was able to quickly rebuild to that drive. Currently shopping for a replacement. From now on I think I will keep a cold spare just in case this happens again. I just wish hard drives would stop increasing in price.
Also if you do go this route and are concerned about privacy and security you can get a cheap vps then setup a VPN (wireguard probably) on the vps and have your home server connect to that. Then you can forward the vps ports to the VPN IP of your home server. This means that you don’t need to have port forwarding or even a dedicated IP at home and users don’t get your home IP. Keep in mind you need a vps that is relatively close to your house to keep the latency down as this setup will add twice the latency between home and the vps to the connection.
Just an FYI getting a vps or dedicated server that is fast enough for Minecraft modpacks is going to be fairly expensive. It might be cheaper to get shared hosting for the MC server and a separate vps for the docker stuff.
I usually also backup the etc directory so if I had an issue I would at least have the config files from the old setup. This has already saved me a few times when I have really messed up configuration files.
Windows 10 will become unsupported but I still anticipate it working fine even without updates. I suspect office will work the same on existing machines.
Sometimes a show is bad. Sometimes some people just are not willing to put the effort into a show and therefore can’t really enjoy it that much. By far the greatest shows I have ever watched have been ones I have been highly invested in (watching episodes as they air). This is also why I still prefer to go to the movies since it forces you to completely focus on what you are watching.
Who on earth would actually pay for this
Lately I have been using it for react code. It seems to be fairly decent at that. As a consequence when it does not work I get completely lost but despite this I think I have learned more with it then I would have without.
I have found chatgpt to be very good at writing regex. I also don’t know how to write regex.
Not sure how many people would directly seek out a website like this but if it shows up in google searches its probably useful. You could also probably also source compose files from github automatically (obviously with a disclaimer) to help quickly get examples for containers.
Don’t worry its going to get refactored any day now
Edward Snowdon reads a spec sheet
This was literally how I was sitting when I read this.