Haha, hell yeah. Saw your reply at the same time op responded to my message and misinterpreted. Agreed.
Haha, hell yeah. Saw your reply at the same time op responded to my message and misinterpreted. Agreed.
And my point is that the example you used does not make the point you are trying to make, but rather the opposite. I get what you’re saying, it just doesn’t apply to farmers and mechanics.
No, but if a farmer’s tractor is overheating (as in the gard drive conparison), I’m sure they could diagnose it.
I’m not sure how well that analogy holds up. Farmers are usually pretty well versed in mechanical systems. To the point that now that John Deere has been screwing them over on right to repair that some farmers are even becoming versed in computer programming so they can flash the firmware on their tractors.
It really doesn’t help that she falsely accused someone of assault over a handshake like 3 months ago. Or that she spray painted her own property to claim she was being targeted by the dreaded antifa. To say that she has a history of history of attacking her opponents this way would be an understatement.
It appears that you are looking to get all of the benefits of community, while absolving yourself of any of the responsibilities. You want to use someone else’s i stance, without having to follow any of their rules. You want to have your own little safe space to spew whatever it is that obviously goes against community guidelines, but also for that space to be able to interact freely with the community. We don’t want to interact with you on that level, that’s why we are all here, following those rules.
If you really want a place where you can say whatever shitty thing you think everyone eeds to hear, then go make your own instance.
Which will be de-federated from all of these instances.
In Kim Stanley Robinson’s Ministry for the Future, having a government backed social media platform helped to turn around humanity’s prospects. Since we are obviously in the dark timeline, we get government twitter.
My thoughts exactly. Releasing water before the growing season begins makes zero sense. They said it wasn’t to make capacity for an upcoming storm either so just pure dumbassery all around.
Ohioans also like to claim first in flight, even though it happened in NC.
Now that we’ve identified it, it’ll just be a short time before it never gets resolved.
We’ll let’s put those kids to work!!
They should name the archiving ai Herodotus… We really have entered the post truth era.
JD Vance’s response to abortion rights was ‘we need to get women to trust us’, so yeah I’d imagine its pretty dismal.
Yeah, I read this article and a similar one the other day and it sure sounds to me like he just cross bred some sheep and none of the people involved know what cloning is. He apparently cloned the sheep, but then used it to breed hybrids? That he sold based on percent of the originals DNA? If you can clone in the first place (doubtful, obviously), why are you then breeding anything?
One small rant I’d like to make as this article glosses over his bullshit of a sentence. This country is absolutely fucking terrible about enforcing poaching, wildlife trafficking, or any other number of clear degradations to our natural environment. Ignoring the fact that he most likely didn’t even hybridize anything, because ‘paid off a hunter for the ram’s testicle’ doesn’t inspire confidence as to the care of the sperm cells; he still was illegally trafficking wild animals and their body parts with the intent of raising invasive animals for distribution. And yet, he not only isn’t even getting a slap on the wrist, the judge in the case is fawning over him like he outsmarted all those fancy college kids by cloning a sheep in his barn with nothing more than his own wits and god on his side.
Look at this douchecanoe sailing up in his douche canoe.
Trump getting immunity from the SC only to squander it by allowing discovery isn’t my first choice, but damn would that be hilarious.
My read on the article was that this was the corporation tipping their hand on how that process was going to play out, but I could certainly be wrong. read to me like the faculty voted for them to graduate, but this was the board vetoing that and affirming that they were still to be dealt with, and that the consequences were going to be grim. Hopefully that’s not the case.
Thanks for the 4 years tuition though!
I could see them barring them from walking for their degree, but to hold it completely is messed up. Bullshit that ‘the corporation’ overruled the faculty vote.
Haha, that’s soot buildup from campfires.
Going to have recalls when they find out the wings are just glued on.