so… if I believe in crazy stuff the crazy stuff doesn’t seem crazy to me?
so… if I believe in crazy stuff the crazy stuff doesn’t seem crazy to me?
Sandisk belongs to WD, so you kind of do.
I have connected my printer with a 120€ audiophile cable, and I tell you the prints are just a lot sharper. It gives the text a lot more air , especially around the serifs. Times New Roman looks especiallygood with it.
seems like you need to try micro. It’s like nano, but with more sensible standard keybinds imho, as well as syntax highlighting and global clipboard use.
didn’t know about that one, thank you
cat > bat
ls > exa
(h)top > btop
whatever terminal > alacritty
whatever browser > librewolf + brave
cli editor > micro
app launcher > albert
vlc > mpv
great. I don’t want those apps snooping around on my PC. Thank you.
probably, but the specifics depend in wäre in the world you are.
spending christmas in australia or new zealand has been one of my top bucket list items for decades.
it’s very likely you are still seeing stuff. Total darkness is incredibly difficult to achive, there will always be a little bit of light leaking in somewhere. The cells in the middle of your retina are less sensitive to changes in brightness but can see colour very well, while the edge of your vision is more light sensitive but can mostly just see black and white. This has the effect that when it is very dark, vision is reduced to the edges of your field of view, hence if you look away slightly it is easier to see things.