Does it feel like these “game changing” techs have lives that are accelerating? Like there’s the dot com bubble of a decade or so, the NFT craze that lasted a few years, and now AI that’s not been a year.
The Internet is concentrating and getting worse because of it, inundated with ads and bots and bots who make ads and ads for bots, and being existentially threatened by Google’s DRM scheme. NFTs have become a joke, and the vast majority of crypto is not far behind. How long can we play with this new toy? Its lead paint is already peeling.
[…] in blog posts and videos and published memoirs, autistic teens and young adults described living for a decade or more without any way to communicate, while people around them assumed they were intellectually deficient.
On a related note… only 5% of hearing parents with a deaf child will learn sign language.
I assume at least half of this needs to go down the throats of oil tycoons in order to have any real effect.
“Mind Your Business,” Declares Man, Seen Repeatedly Throwing Himself Down Up Escalator
That’s just so sad to me. Is there any place we could tell people to store or upload these things? I hate that we’re losing so much because of one company’s hubris.
Honestly even an instance that’s just “deletedposts.lemmy” or something like that, to save posts that were useful.
The author cites two reasons why the watch is good for women: it has a siren option at 86 decibels (about as loud as a snowblower) and it is sensitive enough to temperature changes such that you can use it to track your cycle.
That…just doesn’t sell me much. I don’t know how well a car alarm in your ear is going to help, and you can get temperature monitoring from other options.
The author also claims that the watch isn’t as big and bulky on her wrist as she thought it’d be, but going by the pictures she’s a larger woman, so I would think it’d still be annoyingly large for smaller women. That, and in general it seems like a large screen is a heat seeking missile for hard objects: I’ve lost count how many times I’ve unintentionally whacked something, and I have a much slimmer watch (not an Apple Watch).
Exactly. I don’t want or need to build another McDonalds or Starbucks; I just want to go to the Mom and Pop down the road without worrying if they’ll tank.
Was one of those before it, ah, went off to see Titanic?
Oh you should check Stardew mods out! There are plenty of them that are very lore-friendly without being game breaking.
I can’t speak to the others, though. Kinda avoiding Factorio because I know I’d lose months to it.
You can add a couple hundred more hours if the games have a healthy modding community.
This is fucking ghoulish.
Does this constitute psychological torture? I’m serious. This is so much eviler than what Westboro does.
Christ. I already hate these people.