The world isn’t made for children, where are their fucking parents?
The world isn’t made for children, where are their fucking parents?
You are allowed, just ask what it means. Don’t be a whiney little bitch that people aren’t hand feeding you every scrap of information, nobody is cognizant of your ignorance so don’t blame yours on them.
There’s people on both sides of every fence who get there through circumstance rather than cognizance.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupitiy, and I’m not so sure about the universe.” - attributed to Albert Einstein
Using initialisms prompt self learning for those that will, and wilful ignorance for those that will not. No one is responsible for anyone elses individual lack of capacity. Funny how your situation only encourages introspection in one half of the conversation.
If you’re going to use that word you should at least know what it means so you don’t sound stupid.
That’s strange, ignorance is supposed to be bliss.
Athiests don’t have a problem with Middle-Eastern Socialist Jews, the ‘Christians’ sure do.
He’d be back faster than a starlink satellite.
Google already confirmed they were causing deliberate delays on YouTube videos for people detected using adblock. Extending the enshitification is all they have now, sold their soul to steal a buck.
Huh. They really drill the capitalist shill into you with that American “education” system, don’t they?
As long as a company is making a profit all costs have been covered, all employees, suppliers, and producers have been paid. Those in society who have the means and the will have ensured this product exists and has been paid for and I thank them for their contribution. That allows the rest of humanity to enjoy the socialisation of their contribution to the masses, who have not the means or the will, but who ensure the rest of the system is available and working to support everyone’s ability to contribute.
If you want to argue that employees, suppliers, or producers aren’t adequately paid, then why is there a profit margin?
That’s like saying Walmart trying to stop the small percentage of people who shoplift is the epitome of corporate greed. YouTube is a paid service. It costs money to run
They make a profit, operating costs are covered. You do know that right? Profit is surplus? You’re not so poorly educated to not understand the most basic principal of capitalism?
Am I defending Google?
Trying to monetise the fraction of a percent of users who actively avoid your advertising and wouldn’t engage with it or purchase products from the advertisers even if forced to watch them is the epitome of corporate greed. Pathetic, money grubbing billionaire corporations deserve to burn to the ground rather than be supported by the societies they leech off like the cancer they are.
For every person using an ad blocker there’s 10,000 that don’t. Going after the fraction of a percent of perceived lost revenue from people who wouldn’t click your ads or buy your products anyway is just the epitome of greed.
Only until there’s one left. The second to last one keels off this mortal coil and immediately all their combined wealth disappears due to lack of demand.
I wish. But the wilful ignorance and deliberate belligerence of their parents would prevent you from showing such useful gore to their crotch smear.
Yep. It’s hard to feel sorry for anyone who got grifted, who knew that buying the equivalent of a graffiti’d up CVS receipt would turn out to be worthless.
It would be nice if we as a species could get from one generation to the next without needing to see an example of every failure first hand.
A fool and their money are soon parted.
Yes, they should step in, and direct those parents not the rest of society that isn’t a failure to their children. Maybe letting your children engage in pornographic material should be against the law, not the porn that any reasonable person can consume without involving children.
Maybe if you aren’t fit to care for your children, you shouldn’t be allowed to have them.