The only people that have anything to fear are those who are doing something wrong, legally, and probably morally. I didn’t actually need your answer.
The only people that have anything to fear are those who are doing something wrong, legally, and probably morally. I didn’t actually need your answer.
You’ve " got real people" who are in “real danger?” Who exactly are they, and why/how are they in danger? What are they doing that is putting themselves in danger?
They’ve never said they want to end democracy. And they won’t try to end democracy. You’ve been caught up in the fear mongering, my friend.
Lol… my god, man! This is good stuff. Real story book stuff.
It’s honestly surprising to see the level of fear that you and others have been sold. You people need to come back down to earth.
I don’t know anything about it. What is it? I guess it’s got some good stuff in. But I wouldn’t endorse it. Whatever it is.
After trumps 4 years are over, I hope those filled with fear, like yourself, see the light and seriously ponder where the roots of your fear come from, or rather, WHO they come from.
Lol yall love saying this about rich people you don’t like.
" BuT but aLl oF HiS DeBt!"
Yeah… it takes money to make money.
… I don’t think Musk is relying on tesla alone. He has money coming in from everywhere. Hence, all of his inspired businesses.
Yeah, so i drove my brothers brand new, fully loaded model X. That shit was sweet
Gays will be around till Jesus returns.
Not necessarily, though.
Ah, it’s makes sense, you’re a forienger. You get grace.
Lol. Ok, I’ve never heard this take, but everyone perceives history based on what they have learned.
Also, it was the left that didn’t want to abolish slavery or give women rights.
It’s fucking hog-wash I tell ya
Oh. Nevermind.