If Reddit pulls these kinds of moves two more times or so, I’m 100% certain Lemmy will have all the niche communities you’d ever want. This place is much better!
If Reddit pulls these kinds of moves two more times or so, I’m 100% certain Lemmy will have all the niche communities you’d ever want. This place is much better!
Not an American, but increasing SC members would seem like a good thing to do. The more people on it, the harder it is to stack.
AllYouPlay and another online game store wouldn’t let me register with a protonmail address
There were 2 online game stores that wouldn’t allow me to register with a protonmail account, AllYouPlay and another one that I can’t recall, which was weird to me
Some sites and services won’t accept accounts with e-mails outside of the mainstream ones though.
Very simple. I’m the only one being simulated, all of you people are AIs. /s
As an outsider looking at American politics right now, I don’t see you getting out of a dictatorship and civil war without a lot of realpolitik from the democrats. Assassination may be extreme and strategically unsound for the dems (making Trump a martyr), but as I understand it, it would be feasible to, for example, add 10 more people to the SC, wouldn’t it? Or change electoral laws to make it so convicted felons can’t run for office? Maybe changing first past the post and abolishing the electoral college? I admit I am fairly ignorant of the American system, but wouldn’t those be achievable to Biden if he set his mind to it and damned the consequences (since he can’t be prosecuted for those anyways?)
As someone who doesn’t know much about China aside from the high competitiveness of their academic environment, I’m curious as to what sort of issues your friends face due to surveillance? Does it affect their day to day lives? Or does it just foster an atmosphere of “be careful what you say”?
I would legit use it. For-profit dating sites suck
Good luck turning off the corporate AI’s scraping your data from whatever websites you use to profit off of it!
Join the dark side! We have penguins!
No, the solution would be for every app to be able to licence the music without any exclusivity, making them compete over the features their apps and services have instead of on the music itself. Video streaming is an oligopoly right now, which can be just as bad as a monopoly.
If a friend asks me to help with something, I don’t removed and moan about my unpaid labour. Fuck that, they’re my friends and I wouldn’t take the money even if offered. That’s just what friends do. The same applies to if I wanted to do something nice for them, like sending them a cool mixtape I made. That’s how you build communities! Focusing on payment like you do reduces everything to capitalism but with even less empathy and humanity.
I’d prefer no implants ever if I can help it. I’d only be fine with one if it saved my life. Otherwise, there are just too many things that can go wrong with it in ways our current technology can’t. You can go off-grid now if you get sick of tech, but that becomes infinitely harder if you have a chip in your brain
The summary for this video hurts my eyes to look at.
I’ve had a bit more free time these days and really wanted to play sea of thieves but they broke the game for steam deck the day after I bought it. I’ve been salty over it ever since (around a week now)
As other people have said, it doesn’t really matter as long as it helps solve climate change. Boo hoo, western corporations didn’t get to overcharge for stuff, big deal.
As someone not working in IT and not very knowledgeable on the subject, I’ve had way less issues with Manjaro than with Mint, despite reading everywhere that Mint “just works”. Especially with printers.
I’ve been using Discord almost since launch, and in that time, not a single feature did I find as an important addition to the program. It is now much more bloated with unnecessary stuff, stuff for which they paid those talented devs you mention.
I would have been perfectly content with a one-time payment to use it and it would have worked perfectly well for them with that model if they didn’t get greedy and want to stuff it with random junk to justify a subscription.
I don’t mind paying as long as it’s not a subscription scam for no reason at all.
The thing about sycophants is that they don’t tend to be very competent. I expect replacing people in crucial positions will be the start of the end for the US as a superpower.