Damn, a felony count like that would get her almost 3 presidencies.
Damn, a felony count like that would get her almost 3 presidencies.
But what if I wanna feel like one of those hip young old folks from the soda commercial?
I’d guess pride colors, depictions of Blahaj (that IKEA shark that’s popular among trans folks), stuff of the sorts. Stuff that right wingers get offended by.
Get Vikas Music, he’s based enough to put it to eurobeat.
One named DOGE because meeeeeeeeeeeeemz.
Just for gits 'n shiggles or something along the lines?
Unrelated, but genuine curiosity - Why the usage of the thorn eth rather than spelling the word “the” out? Ain’t bothered by it or nothin’, just interesting to see out in the wild online!
Wishing you the best of luck regardless, mate. You aren’t alone in this.
In the event this is a legitimate admission of intent, here mate. I hope you can find peace for your troubled mind.
What is wrong with you that makes you think this is an appropriate response to “I am planning a suicide”? As somebody who has stared down the business end of a 12 gauge solution, you’re frankly despicable.
You guys get raises?
Not always. I’ve been to a couple pumps where none of the buttons did anything. At that point I’m tempted to get a squirt gun to spray into the speakers, hope it does something useful to the speakers.
Just using it as a streaming machine.
He’s just using it for streaming, figured it having a built in screen would help significantly with the limited space in his flat.
Okay I haven’t seen that movie, so I was confused cause I could have sworn you visited many moons in the first Descent game.
And the truck-boat-truck carried on the tow bar
And the truck-boat-truck-boat-jetski
I didn’t realize the cracked corn potential of my joke!
No, it’s corny! She’s always cracking puns and one liners, that Cathy.
Why pay for something that deranged right wingers would happily do for free?