Chuck and Nancy approved!
Chuck and Nancy approved!
Funeral parlors, prosperity gospel churches, housing, medical, "education” human body parts… What else?
Yep. Thanks so much for this share.
Wake up, Neo.
I usually look at square feet.
Same in solidly red Bible belt area I live in. $21 for 30.
Those minerals would be extremely lucrative for electric car batteries and space exploitation. Yes, I spelled it correctly.
Maybe that provides cover for him pulling a sinema.
Or mentally unwell people stalking.
Because the “adults in the room” the first time did that, rather than holding out for book deals after it was over, right?
The other Boeing whistleblower got suddenly ill and died. Weird “coincidence”.
The Democrats literally kept shifting right until they finally were endorsed by war criminals. Just because they were socially left didn’t make them in any other sense actually left. And the GOP aren’t socially right, (No problem with Thiel) they just use wedge issues, in conjunction with the Democrats, while both parties moved so far economically right, they voted to allow themselves criminal activities withheld from Joe Average, like insider trading. Martha Stewart was extremely wealthy when she was convicted of that, but she wasn’t a politician, and yes, women are still an underclass. And I don’t think that really matters, it’s just another dumb wedge to keep the plebs infighting.
I wholly agree none of us want the truth, but seek validation and continue to wallow in our victim mentality. There are exceptions, but few and far between.
Same with Lowe’s and some ACE.
Richardson had recently filed a federal lawsuit against Sheffield police, accusing them of abusive behavior during his 2022 detention
If it was suicide, she should still sue.
Here is the oath, so it’s iffy. They have no problem with charging exorbitant costs, financially, physically and emotionally, for the training, though.
This is why I’ve turned against economic sanctions. Texas will still get federal tax dollars, though.
Pro life fetish.
Some states won’t let hunters’ surplus game to be donated or sold. Some will and do. It’s a good balance. Then you find the city slicker trophy hunter deer - whole carcasses, minus the rack. It’s disgusting, even for me (flexitarian), and we grew up raising or hunting our own food. We would never kill an animal that wasn’t an immediate threat that wouldn’t be eaten, except for rats and bugs, but we still didn’t go out of our way to prolong suffering (but we did to quickly end it).
The idea of not raising minimum wage and keeping wage slaves and corporate welfare is what they’re arguing. It’s not that it costs taxpayers more, it’s that it costs rich people and corporations less.